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You woke up the next day and put on some clothes. You didn't get too picky with what you picked because you were going to be staying at headquarters for most of the day. You head to the hospital wing right away to get your arm wrapped.

When you got there you found Hanji waiting for you. She had a big smile on her face, and you glared at her as you sat down on a stool. The same female who put your stitches in came and wrapped it swiftly.

"What do you want Hanji?" you ask. She continues to grin at you. "I thought I was going to have to say the first word, but it looks like my hypothesis is incorrect. I was actually waiting for you to get here so I could ask you a question," she responds. You tilt your head slightly. "And that question would be?"

"I was just curious if you had anything planned for today?" she questions you. You study her face as her grin gets wider. "Not at the moment why--" she cuts you off by grabbing your arm. "Perfect!" Hanji yells while pulling you along. Your arm was fully wrapped so that wasn't a problem. You received a bunch of weird looks from people walking the halls, but neither of you cared.

"Hanji, where the hell are you taking me?" you ask her with a laugh. Her enthusiasm never fails to entertain you. You hear a door open, and then next thing you know you're dropped onto a couch.

"Alright listen," Hanji says sitting right next to you. "I heard the recruits talking about how they wanted to go down to the lake today, and I think it would be fun to crash their party," she tells you. "Why could you not have just told me that in the infirmary?" you question her with curious eyes. "Because it's an ambush!" she yells loudly. "And you never know who could be listening," she then whispers.

"I'm listening pretty clearly," you hear a monotone voice say from behind you. "Well of course you are Shorty, I brought her here so we could invite you too," Hanji replies like it's obvious. "Why the hell would I want to spend my day with recruits? I have better things to do," Levi states. You glance behind you to see him taking a sip of tea. Hanji nudges you, causing you to look at her.

"C'mon go convince him," she whispers to you. "Why do I have to?" you ask back. "Because he likes you the most out of everyone else," she states while wiggling her eyebrows. Your cheeks heat up at this and you mutter in agreement. You get up from the couch and walk over to his desk.

He watches you as you approach him and you smile at him. "Hey there grumpy, don't you wanna have some fun with me?" you question with a playful tone. His face gets slightly dusted with red as certain thoughts cross his mind.

"It would even be a good opportunity to bond with the recruits!" Hanji mentions. "Plus, you don't even have to do anything with them, you could just take a nap or something!" you tell him. He rolls his eyes at both of you.

"Oh, I know!" Hanji says with an upbeat tone. "You could look for tea leaves!" You don't miss the glint of interest in his eyes. He sighs and puts down his teacup. "Fine." You and Hanji smile at each other once you hear his answer.

You walk happily over to your room and put a pair of shorts on and a plain F/C shirt on. When you step out of your room you find Levi waiting for you in the hallway. He's wearing a pair of sweatpants and a white t-shirt. His shirt is short-sleeved, causing you to eye his lean biceps. His lips twitch upwards slightly when he sees you examining him.

"Let's go, brat," he says pushing his foot off of the wall. You catch up to him so you can walk beside him. "I'm not a brat. . ." you mutter. He doesn't respond and you continue to walk in silence. You go over to the stables to be greeted by H/N. You brush H/N's mane as you wait for Hanji, and you start to hum a soft tune. You feel eyes watch you as you brush out the hair. You notice that it's been a while since you've tended to H/N because of how tangled his fur is.

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