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You woke up to the clicking of a door being closed. You sat up and looked behind you see light seeping into the room from the bottom of the bathroom door. You laid back down and saw the moonlight streaming into the room. You didn't know how long you had been asleep for, but you assumed it wasn't too long.

You hear the water of the bath running in the bathroom and blush at the thought of Levi in the bathtub. Then you start to think about the horrible screams you heard earlier and frown when you think about what was going on. You weren't naive enough to think that what Hanji and he did wasn't necessary, but you still didn't like the idea of human torture. You hated the world that you were currently living in, but you were hopeful that one day you could live peacefully and not have to worry about the titans or people, or anything else that could pose a threat to you.

You begin to think about Levi's worlds earlier in the day when you were on the rooftop with Nifa. He had claimed that he lived with a man known as Kenny the Ripper and then called the many that attacked you by the same name. The last time you tried to ask Levi about his past you were interrupted by the Scouts returning from saving Eren, but you knew that you wouldn't be interrupted if you asked him tonight.

After a few moments, you heard the door to the bathroom click open and you froze in your spot. You shut your eyes and pretended that you were asleep again. You heard Levi's bare feet making contact with the wooden floor below you as he walked closer to the bed. You felt the mattress dip behind you and the heat of a body behind you.

"Y/N, I know you're awake," you hear Levi's monotone voice say. Your eyes open and you glance behind you to see his grey eyes staring at you. You notice that he's in a pair of sweatpants and lacking a shirt. You eye his lean chest

You feel your face heat up and you decide to turn back over. Levi moves closer to you so his chest is flush against your back. You feel his hot breath as he softly presses his lips on your neck. He then sits up and hovers over you with both of his hands framing opposite sides of your face. You move so you're laying on your back and look up at him. He has a serious expression, as per usual, but you give him a small smile.

"Hi," you say simply. He stares into your E/C eyes and glances down to look at your lips every few seconds.

"How long were you gone for?" you ask. Instead of answering your question, Levi leans down and meets your lips with his. He then plants soft kisses on your cheeks and jawline, which causes you to giggle.

"Only about 30 minutes," he responds in between kisses. He moves down to kiss your neck and you lean your head back, allowing him better access. You let out a gasp when he finds the most sensitive spot on your neck and he gently bites down, causing you to release and small moan. You gently push on his chest and he immediately stops and gives you a confused look, to which you smile.

"I have questions," you say quietly.

"Can't I answer them in the morning?" he questions, leaning down and resting his head on your chest. He moves up and nuzzles his face into the crook of your neck. You can feel his warm breath on your neck that sends electricity through your own body. As much as you want to tell him yes and allow him to continue what he was doing, your curiosity gets the better of you.

"No," you say simply. You wrap one of your hands around his neck and move the other one to his hair. You feel that his hair is slightly damp.

"Hanji will tell you about what the MPs confessed to in the morning anyway, so I don't see why I have to do it now," he whispers into your ear. You feel a shiver get sent down your spine as you hear his voice in your ear. He gently bites at your ear lobe, earning another moan from you.

"Th-That's not what I'm talking about. When we were on that roof with Nifa you said you lived with Kenny the Ripper and then he proceeded to attack us," you say, slightly agitated. He moves to look up at you and his eyes meet yours. He sighs and moves so he's off of you. You spin so you're facing him. He looks around and avoids your gaze.

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