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You and Levi headed back to the wagon where Erwin had greeted you. You didn't say anything because everything that had happened today caused exhaustion to wash over you. You dully note that Pastor Nick was still with the Survey Corps when you see him inside of the wagon. He has a guilty look on his face, which he wears well. Leaning against the side of the wagon, you close your eyes.

"Y/N," you hear a voice say. "What?" you whine, loudly. "Tired?" the same voice asks. You open your eyes to glare at Erwin. You cross your arms over your chest, not finding his poor excuse for a joke to be funny.

"Anyways, I'll get someone to take him to a cellar for tonight, and you two can pick him up tomorrow morning," Erwin says, motioning towards Nick. "Where exactly are there beds that I can sleep in?" you ask. He points behind you at a large building. "Upper level, door on the left. You two have to share a room," he mentions.

"That's fine," you mumble before walking off. You feel multiple pairs of eyes on you when you enter the building. Looking around, you notice that there are a large number of people from all three of the military divisions.

You walk up the stairs, deciding to not say anything to anyone. You find six doors, three on the right, and three on the left. You open the first door on the left to find an uninhabited room. There's one bed in the center of the room, and what you can assume is a door leading to a bathroom on the rightmost wall. Across from the bathroom door, there's a small, dusky, desk and a wardrobe.

"How homely," you say to no one. Walking over to the door you find what you suspected, a bathroom. You slide your boots off before you walk into the small room. You discover a shower, a toilet, and a small sink with a mirror atop it. Before you move to turn the shower on, you close the door. While you wait for the water to warm you quickly strip, putting your clothes in a neat pile on the sink counter. Sighing, you examine your arm that you haven't looked at all day. It looks as if the burn has healed, for the most part, leaving behind a scar. The scar reaching from the middle of your forearm to the top of your bicep. Your skin was mottled with red. It wasn't painful, just unattractive.

Shaking your head, you tear your attention away from your arm and step into the shower. The water is hot, making you feel refreshed as it runs down your body. You run your fingers through your wet hair, wishing that you had brought a brush. As you untangle your hair you find small bars of soap under the showerhead.

You hear the door creak open as you massage the soap into your scalp. You freeze, trying to look through the translucent glass. Not being able to see through the glass clearly, you decide to just continue your shower.

As you rinse off your body, you hear the door click, signaling that it's closed. You take a deep breath and quickly finish your cleansing.

The cold air hits you as you step out of the shower. You look at the countertop to find your clothes replaced by a towel. You slowly dry your skin, curious about the whereabouts of your clothing. You wrap the towel around your body and poke your head outside of the door.

"Levi?" you say in a curious tone. He looks over his shoulder at you and you notice a rag in his hand. "Are you cleaning?" you giggle. "This place is disgusting," he simply says with a scowl. He swiftly turns back to face the desk. "Where'd you put my clothes?" you ask, looking around the room. "They're drying," he responds. You raise your eyebrow, "You washed my clothes?" He nods in response and turns around to toss a shirt and a pair of pants at you. You catch them and examine them. The shirt is just a plain white tee and the pants are a pair of grey sweatpants. 

"Should I question where you got these?" you ask him. "They're mine," he tells you. You shrug your shoulders and go into the bathroom. You close the door behind you and put on his clothes. His shirt is too big for you, but you wear it regardless.

You walk out of the bathroom again to find him thoroughly scrubbing the window. Rolling your eyes, you smile to yourself. You lay on the fluffy mattress while listening to the sound of cloth creating friction with glass. You roll onto your side, facing away from him. The noise soon stops, but you just assume that Levi has moved on to dusting.

The mattress dips behind you, and you feel strong arms wrap around you. In the few nights that you've spent with him, you've discovered that Levi enjoys cuddling no matter how uncharacteristic it is of him. He nuzzles his face into the crook of your neck. You giggle as his breath tickles your skin. Seeing that he has the sleeves to his white button-up shirt rolled up, you softly trace patterns on his exposed skin.

"Ditching cleaning for cuddling are we now?" you tease him. "Tch, both are important," he mumbles into your neck. His lips dance on your skin as he speaks. "Cuddling and cleaning?" you ask, wanting the confirm his statement.

"Not cuddling. You, you brat," he states like it was obvious. You blush, not saying anything else. You stay in his arms for a few minutes, feeling his legs slowly move against yours. Every few seconds he would place pecks around the side of your neck. You felt completely content in the state that you were currently in.

"Let me see your arm," he says, raising his head. He unlatches himself from you, allowing you space. You sit up and turn to face him. Wanting to give him space to sit in front of you, you cross your legs.

Levi gently grabs your left arm examining the scar tissue left behind from the burn. Your skin has turned a light pink color since you have gotten out of the shower. Rather than the pink being embedded into your skin like a regular scar, the rosy color looks like a tattoo. He runs his hand across your arm, feeling the rough texture of the scar which, once, used to be smooth skin. 

"Do you think the scar is ever going to go away?" you ask him, slightly self-conscious. "It's still healing, but I doubt the scar will completely vanish," he responds. You sigh when you feel his fingertips move up your arm.

"Can I look at your back too?" he asks, flicking his eyes up to yours. His face was expressionless, leaving you with no clue what he was thinking. "Sure," you mumble, turning around.

Levi lifts the back of your shirt until he can see the stitching. You tense up when you feel his hands move closer to the medical thread. "Relax," he whispers. You close your eyes and relax your muscles the best you can.

"When did they tell you that you could take the stitches out?" he asks. "In four more days," you tell him. Levi narrows his eyes while looking at the long line on your back. "It's healing pretty quickly, you'll probably be able to take them out in two days, maybe even tomorrow," he reassures you. "Is it uncomfortable to move?"

"Not really, it just gets sore, so I try to stretch a bit when I wake up," you tell him. "And since when did you become a doctor?" you ask while a laugh. He pulls you back into his lap. You wiggle around so you're facing him. His facial features are still rested, though you can see a slight sparkle in his eyes. You rest your head on his shoulder, to get a strong smell of the outdoors rather than his usual aroma.

"Go shower," you say, pushing yourself away from him. "You stink." You crawl back towards your spot on the bed and pull the sheets over you. He leans closer to you and kisses your cheek.

"Save some for me, brat," he says, talking about the blankets.

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