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You were currently sitting on a tree branch looking up at the starry night above you. There were a few clouds in the sky, but you still enjoyed looking at the small balls of light above you. You always enjoyed looking at the stars because they reminded you of something that everyone in the Survey Corps craved, freedom. That's the whole reason that you're willing to put your life on the line and travel outside of the walls, for the small sense of freedom that you get while you're riding H/N across the open land.

"Hey, Captain Y/N!" you hear Sasha call from below you. You look down to see her waving at you and Connie looking up at you from the base of the tree.

"What's up?" you say simply.

"Armin says that he has an idea that he wants to run by you about those soldiers that kidnapped Eren!" she hollers up to you. You let out a small sigh and look up at the stars above you one more time before using your ODM gear to get back on the ground.

You hear grunting right next to you and look to see the interior police tied to the tree adjacent to the one you were perched upon.

"Screw you," he spits out before receiving another kick in the jaw from Levi. You look at the back of the man you care so deeply for and can see his muscles tense through his shirt. You frown at the situation that you both are in.

"Where'd they take Eren and Christa?" Levi asks the man after crouching down to his level.

"You bastards. You think you're so brave? That post was manned by recruits. They barely even knew how to wipe their own asses. No one's going to think you're heroes for beating them down," he says glaring up at Levi. This causes Levi to stand back up and glare down at the interior police.

"Yeah, the guilt is tearing me apart," he says, sarcastically before giving him another kick in the mouth. You cringe as several of his teeth fly out of his mouth before turning to Connie.

"Where is he?" you ask, referring to Armin. He points over to his left, deeper into the forest. You walk in the direction that he pointed you in until you run into Armin, Mikasa, and Jean. You pass many large trees and you can feel a chill run down your spine as the wind picks up. You fix your H/L hair to ensure that all of it is behind your shoulders. Your footsteps catch Mikasa's attention as you approach the trio, and she nods in your direction before looking back at Armin.

"Sasha said that you needed to speak with me?" you say. You approach the blonde who seems to have a thoughtful look on his face.

"Yes," he says looking in your direction. Your eyes catch his blue ones before he begins speaking. "I was thinking about the anti-personnel vertical maneuvering gear because I would imagine that we are going to have to fight that squad again once we locate Eren and Historia," he says before moving his hand to his chin. You think back and remember the soldiers who used the guns that gave you some trouble when they took Eren and Historia.

"And?" you ask, wanting him to resume telling you his hypothesis.

"I think that I've figured out a weakness that they possess. If you think about how the equipment is made, the hole that the anchor for the ODM comes out of is just below the barrel of the gun. If I'm thinking about it correctly when they attach to a structure with their ODM gear, they cannot shoot someone who goes in for an attack," he explains before pausing. "So, if we were able to close the gap between them while they're relocating we should have the advantage because swords beat guns as long as we're within reach of them." You smile and watch as he begins to ponder what he just explained to you.

"That's great that you've figured that out, Armin! I'm proud of you!" you exclaim before nudging him on the shoulder with your hand. This causes the thoughtful expression on his face to be replaced with surprise as he catches his balance. "That will definitely help us with coming up with a plan to get Eren and Historia back," you say simply before looking at Jean and Mikasa. Mikasa seems to be intrigued by your interaction and Jean has an expression on his face that shows that he's tired.

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