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Levi, Eren, and you quickly left after you were instructed to join them. You met up with the other four members of The Special Operations Squad in the Trost District. The other members were Petra Ral, Oluo Bozado, Gunther Schultz, and Eld Jinn. They were all exceptional soldiers, and you quickly made friends with Petra.

The seven of you were headed to the Old Scout Regiment Headquarters on horseback. The ride was silent, but not at all awkward. No one spoke until you were in front of the building.

"An architectural marvel, don't you agree? A proper royal residence once upon a time and more recently, our former headquarters. Fancy; yes, but absurdly impractical once the Scouts got down to business. Much, much far removed from any river or wall..." Oluo starts going off about the building.

"Oluo I don't think he cares about your history lesson, plus there is a lake a little farther down that road," you say, nodding towards the right. Both him and Eren look back at you. "I just want to make sure he doesn't expect the royal treatment-" he starts before he bites his tongue. Petra and you start laughing slightly.

"Does that happen often?" you question Petra as you all start to get off of your horses. "Quite often actually," she replies. You walk over to some stairs and Oluo sits down.

"That's what you get for flapping your jowls on horseback," Petra tells Oluo. "The rookie needed to know his place," he says his voice slightly muffled from the rag he's holding up to his mouth. "Considering he was locked up for days before today, he probably knows his place," you mention looking over at him.

"Even so, first impressions are important," he says with a grin. You glance over at Petra. "Well you certainly made an impression on him, no question there," she says and you nod in agreement. "Indeed so, our exchange went exactly as planned," Oluo says. "Wait you planned to almost bite your tongue off? That's kind of masochistic don't you think?" you say with an eyebrow raised.

"Don't mind him Captain Y/N, he's been trying to act like Captain Levi for a while now. It's kind of embarrassing," Petra says with an eye roll. "I see, Y/N is fine too. I've never been one for formalities," you tell her with a smile.

"Petra dear, if you intend to hound me like a wife there's more of me that you need to be acquainted with before laying claim to the privilege," Oluo tells her looking at her out of the side of his eye.

"Gross!" you say loudly. "You disgusting swineherd," Petra says right after you. Eld and Gunther start walking over to you. You notice Eren watching all of you.

"Look at these weeds," Gunther says look down at the ground. "This place has gone to hell." Eld stops walking when he gets next to him. "It's been abandoned for years, but the insides are shambles," he adds.

Levi walks up from behind them, "In which case we have a problem, best grab a broom and get to work." You suddenly remembered Erwin telling you about Levi being a clean freak. You suppose it's better than being a slob. You head upstairs with Eren and start sweeping the floors.

• • •

After about an hour you're still sweeping all of the rooms and Eren is working on scrubbing the window sills. It hasn't gotten much cleaner, but what can you expect when there's only seven of us and one huge castle.

"I think we're about done now?" Eren questions looking over at you. "I'm not I still have two more rooms that need sweeping," you inform him. "But if I were you I would clean everything twice, I've heard that Levi is a complete clean freak," you say looking up at him.

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