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You were walking atop Wall Rose doing a morning stroll. You were alone, for everyone else was frantic about the possibility of Eren Jaeger helping humanity in the fight against the Titans.

In the distance, you could spot Commander Erwin and Commander Pixis walking on the wall as well. You were sure that they were discussing their beliefs on where Jaeger should end up. You haven't had direct contact with Erwin or any of the other Commanders for a few days so you were unsure of where the Survey Corps stood. What you've heard has been that Erwin plans to take Jaeger in as a scout.

You believed that it was logical, thinking back to the last fight and Jaeger's impact in the reports. You've also heard that the Military Police wanted to dissect him and then mark him as a fallen soldier.

"Captain Y/N," you hear a voice call, interrupting your thoughts. You look up to see Erwin approaching you.

"Commander," you reply with a salute. He nods and then you relax. You've known Erwin for a while so normally you're pretty casual, but on duty, you prefer to keep professional. "I would appreciate it if you could attend today's court case," Erwin requests.

"The one on Eren Jaeger? Not to be rude Sir, but I've been out of the loop with information about him, I don't think I would be too useful in court," you inform him. "Yes, I'm aware, though I would like Captain Levi and yourself to attend. The odds are not exactly in our favor, but we do have a proposal prepared."

"And that proposal would be?" you question. "Well it depends on how the debate unfolds," he simply says. Your eyes widen slightly, "So you're just winging this case?"

"All we ever do is wing things Y/N, this shouldn't be much different. Anyhow, I do expect your presence there," he tells you. "Sir," you say with a salute as he walks away.

You feel a bead of sweat drip down your neck. "That quickly turned from a request into an order," you mumble heading back to your quarters.

•    •    •

You enter the courthouse a few moments before the case begins. Because of your rank, you get plenty of salutes as you make your way to the Survey Corps members. You stand next to Captain Levi, and his left is Commander Erwin.

"Captain Y/N, glad you could make it," Erwin says with a hint of sarcasm. "Hey, you never actually told me what time this thing started so I was just playing it by ear," you say with a scolding tone. You notice Levi eyeing you and you smile slightly at him. He nods in return and then turns to tell Erwin something.

You wouldn't exactly say you're friends with Levi, acquaintances would probably be the best word for it.

You hear the door shut loudly, and who you can assume is Eren Jaeger stands at the entrance of the room. Behind him are two Military Police who are most likely his guards. Jaeger looks around taking in all of his surroundings. You look around yourself and notice everyone staring at him with either fear, interest, or both.

"Alright, move it!" one of the MP yells, shoving the boy forward with his rifle. "How rude," you mumble. They continue to walk to the center of the courthouse. "On your knees, now!" another MP orders. Jaeger obliges and they lock him in place. The two members of the MP make their way over to the side where the Military Police stand.

"Alright, shall we begin?" Darius Zackly says before looking at a piece of paper. "Your name is Eren Jaeger, and as a soldier, you have sworn to give up your life when called to for the good of the people, is that correct?"

"Yes," Jaeger simply replies. "As an enlisted soldier during a time of war, Military doctrine demands your tribunal be held as a court marshal. As a Commander of our forces, this matter is enough to my discretion. Thus I will decide whether you live or you die. Any objections?" Zackly finishes. Your eyes narrow slightly trying to figure this whole thing out. "No sir," Jaeger replies. "Your astuteness is appreciated."

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