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You've arrived in the middle of the Stohess District. You're anticipating the there will soon be fighting any second from now. You don't prepare for much, simply because there's nothing for you, yourself to prepare for. You do look outside of the carriage window to find the MPs scurrying around in confusion. Watching them like mice in a cage brings a smile to your face. No one in the Survey Core is too fond of the MPs just because they act like hot shit, and most of them haven't even seen combat before. That point is proven as you watch their worried faces.

The carriage suddenly stops, causing inertia to take over your body and move you forwards. You dig your feet into the wooden floor of the compartment to remain in your seat. Erwin looks at you and Levi and nods, signaling that you can get out. Levi is the first one to move and you follow him. You stand behind him, to the right so Erwin has room to get out of the doorway.

You see Nile Dok standing about ten meters in front of you, and Erwin sees him too. "Nile, deploy all troops immediately. We should assume that a titan has already appeared," he says with authority in his voice.

"Are you out of your mind? This is Wall Sina, there's no way a titan would just suddenly show up here," Nile replies. You can see that he's panic-stricken just by looking at his face. You hear a door open behind you and turn to see what's going on.

Jean jumps out of the carriage adjacent to you. He has a brown-haired wig on so his appearance resembles Eren more.

"Who told you to move Jaeger?" the MP in front of him yells before grabbing him. "How 'bout this damn wig said I could, moron?!" Jean spits back at him. He yanks the wig off of his head, and the MP loses his grip on him immediately. "Call me Jaeger again and it's your ass, you got that?" he questions the MP as he runs over to us. You giggle to yourself as you take in the soldier's shocked expression.

He halts once he stands in front of Erwin. "Commander, what's the plan?" Erwin turns his attention away from Nile and to Jean. "Ask Squad Four for equipment," he orders. "Sir!" Jean replies as he puts on his Scouting raincoat.

"Like the brass balls, but try not to swing 'em so hard, they'll get you killed," Levi tells Jean before he leaves. "Sir."

"No, no," you say, grabbing his attention. "Keep swinging them, that was hilarious." Jean smiles at you before he runs off. "Good luck and stay alive!" you yell after him. Levi looks at you after he's gone. "What?" you question. "Neither of you were going to wish any of them good luck in a million years. Therefore, I volunteer to be the one that the Cadets like," you say with a  cocky smile.

"Hold on! What the hell--" Nile tries to get out before another scout appears before us. "Commander! Here!" he says. He puts down a suitcase that has all of Erwin's gear in it. "Well done," Erwin says with a nod. "Thank you Sir!" the scout says before leaving us. As Erwin puts the gear on you look at him with narrow eyes.

"What?" he questions you. "Nothing," you scoff. "Though, it is pathetic that you couldn't carry your gear like a big boy," you say with a teasing tone. He rolls his eyes and he clips the handles to one of the blades.

"What just a minute!" Nile tries to intervene. "Alright! All of you with me! We're rendezvousing with the Capture Squad," Erwin orders all of the soldiers behind him.

"No!" Nile yells before Erwin has the chance to leave. "The hell you will!" He points his rifle at Erwin and you raise your eyebrows at his action. You then realize something and poke Levi in the back. He turns his attention to you and you purse your lips. "You know, if he somehow does happen to shoot and he misses, the bullet will be coming straight for us," you mention. You notice his lips turn upward at the corners, but refuse to go into a complete smile. You both move a little to the left, outside of the shooting range.

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