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"Ready?" you question.

"On your count," Jean says looking at your E/Ced eyes.

"Okay," you say. You grab the handle to open the trapdoor and you look up to find your comrades staring back at you.




You quickly open it and get ready to fight, but you notice that it leads down to another room. You look up at Jean and notice the annoyed expression on his face.

"We had all the dramatics done and everything," you say with an exaggerated sigh. You drop the handle of the trap door so it's all the way open and jump down into the room below. You look around to see plain brick walls and two wooden doors. You can see light coming through the small gap between the two doors. 

"Hurry up!" you say quietly in case anyone is close on the other side of the door. You assumed that they must be expecting all of you to come for Eren and Historia, so they must have MPs already around the area.

You all scurry to get back into position to make your move and you position yourself in front of the wooden doors. 

"Okay for real this time," you say, earning smiles of amusement for Connie and Sasha.

Jean gets ready to roll the barrels, and you look at him and raise your eyebrows

"Ready again?" you ask.

"Yes," he replies.

"Alright let's do this!" 

You use the bottom of your foot to kick open to two doors and Jean quickly pushes three barrels of oil and gunpowder through the doorway. You hear them tumble down a set of stairs.

Levi and Mikasa run in before you, and you unsheath both of your swords before following the two of them. Sasha is right behind you with her bow and arrows and immediately shoots one of the barrels causing an explosion. You use your ODM gear to get in the air as the thick black smoke from the explosion rises to the ceiling. 

"35 total! In the upper parts of the pillars. Continue the plan! We'll take them all out right here!" Levi commands. 

You quickly pass two of the soldiers while they are confused by the smoke. Kicking off one of the pillars, you redirect yourself and cut them down effortlessly. 

You hear a grunt to your left as look over to see Jean attacking one of them. 

"Nicely done, Jean!" You shout, trying to provide a little bit of comfort to him. You acknowledged that this was hard for most of the teenagers in your squad so you wanted to try to soften the blow in any way that you could. 

You continue onward and see Connie almost gets caught by two soldiers. You attack one of them from behind while you're passing him and watch the man fall to the floor. You hear Armin fire a signal flare to cover for Connie while he repositions himself. 

You push forward knowing that Sasha and Armin have Connie covered, using more gas than you normally would to, hopefully, catch up with Levi and Mikasa. So far, the plan is working flawlessly. You were a bit worried about being totally outnumbered, but your squad's teamwork is counteracting that well. You continue to effortlessly swing from pillar to pillar, cutting down the enemy as you come in contact with him. 

"Awe! If it isn't you again, girlie!" You hear a deep voice from behind you say. Your eyes widen slightly, confused as to how someone could've gotten behind you, as you thought you had your back covered. Hearing a gunshot go off, you use your gas to reposition yourself behind one of the pillars. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2021 ⏰

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