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It was the next day, and you were headed towards a meeting that Erwin called. You didn't have any hints as to what the meeting would revolve around, but you knew it wasn't going to be anything good. If it was about going after the female titan, you won't have to be too concerned because you weren't allowed on any missions until your arm completely healed.

You were in the cafeteria making your way to the table that Levi and Eren were already sitting at. "What's the holdup? Erwin's never late, they should be here. At this rate, the damn MPs will show up first. That'd be our luck," Levi starts. He takes a sip of his tea while looking forward. "Yeah, who can say? Maybe they're all taking a shit? Duty calls, right?" You laugh at his monologue.

"You're ugh, sure in a talkative mood today," Eren comments, with a bead of sweat dripping down his cheek. "So what if I am? Doesn't mean I was talking to you," Levi says quite rudely. He instinctively goes to put his left leg over his right, causing him to wince in pain.

"That's what you get for being an asshole to Eren," you say sitting down next to him. Earlier this morning when you went to go get your stitches to look at because they started bleeding, you found Levi in the hospital wing for his left ankle.

"You should've told us before we came back to headquarters," you say mocking Levi. Eren laughs at you Levi imitation, causing you to smile.

"I'm glad you ended up being alright Y/N," Eren says with a smile. "I am too, though I probably would've bled out if he didn't show up," you say pointing at Levi. "It's my fault though if I had thought this through then none of this-- we wouldn't--," Eren says, clearly frustrated.

"You made a judgment call, look no one expects you to be clairvoyant," Levi tells him. You look at him with a reassuring smile. "People die all of the time Eren, it's not your fault."

The door creaks and Erwin enters the room with a few people. "Sorry to keep you waiting," he tells us. "Why... why are you all here?" Eren questions the people standing with Erwin. You recognize Mikasa and the kid that you ran into earlier in the expedition.

"Hey Armin!" you say happily. He smiles at you. "Captain," he says with a nod. "It's good to see that you made it alive. Was I right about you wanting to shit yourself?" you question. He laughs in return, "Only a little."

"Anyways, we believe we've uncovered the female titans' true identity," Erwin announces. Eren gasps at this. Everyone takes their seats. You're sitting next to a recruit named Jean Kirstein.

"The day after tomorrow, we'll be passing through Stohess District en route to the capital. That's when we'll strike. It'll be our first and only chance to do so. Once we step foot into the interior, the government will assume custody of Eren. The Scouts' authority to continue operations will be limited. Thus unless we wish to concede defeat, we must flush out the enemy now," Erwin explains.

"So here's what we do, while in Stohess we use Eren as bait. Luring the target into this underground passage," he says pointing to a spot on the map. You don't bother to look at it closely because you won't be apart of the operation. "The deeper you go the better, get her well below street level. With that done she will be easily immobilized, even in titan form. If she transforms before you meet the tunnel then she'll be yours to deal with, Eren," Erwin says looking up from the map.

"U-Ugh, right," Eren says. "Do you know that she'll be in Stohess? She might already be gone if she thinks there's any chance that we're on to her," you mention. 

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