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The happiness radiating from you was quick to leave the next morning because while you were getting ready to head to the capital, you couldn't help but feel useless. Knowing that you would be sitting in a carriage all day, while everyone else would be fighting.

For your attire, you wore a simple pair of black jeans and a large F/C sweater. The sweater was comfortable to wear because it was easy to maneuver in and it was rather warm. You then put on a pair of combat boots and made your way towards the cafeteria.

Once you got there you found Eren sitting with Mikasa and Armin. He was eating a piece of bread while the others were talking.

"Good morning everyone," you say taking a seat next to Eren. "Good morning Y/N," Eren says, and the other two nod. You grab a piece of bread for yourself. It was in the shape of a small loaf. It wasn't satisfying to eat because you thought the bread was dry and had no real flavor. You suddenly notice that all of their outfits are matching when you look up from the bread. They have a pair of tan pants on and a plain collared button-up shirt on. They also have on the regular green raincoats.

"So Y/N are you staying here today?" Armin asks you. You swallow the piece of bread in your mouth. "No, Erwin wants Levi and me to come in one of the carriages today, but I feel utterly useless coming," you inform him. "I wonder why the Commander would have injured Captains come?" he ponders. You sigh at the comment. "I wondered too, but I've learned to just trust his judgment. He's the Commander for a reason."

"What's your guys' plan to get Annie underground?" you question, changing the topic. "She's in the MPs so Armin's going to cut her off before she gets into formation for us to go through Stohess. Then he'll bring her to us and we'll lead her from there," Mikasa explains. You think for a moment, "How are you going to get Eren out of the carriage? Doesn't he have to be under watch until we get to the capital?"

"He already thought of a solution to that," Eren says, looking towards Armin. You raise your eyebrows at him, urging him to explain. "Yes well, it's not foolproof, but it should work while Eren is supposed to be in the carriage. The only place that the MPs have seen Eren is at the court case, and I'm assuming most of them don't remember what he looks like so we're going to have a stand-in," Armin says.

"A stand-in?"

"We're having Jean wear a wig because he's the one that looks the most like Eren," Mikasa says. "Ha, as if Horseface and I look anything alike," Eren scoffs. You raise your eyebrows at this, you didn't think that Jean looked that bad. You shrug your shoulders and their plan. "How are you going to get Annie to follow you in the first place?"

"I'll make it up as I go," Armin says. You look at him as if he's crazy. "You're going to wing something as important as this?" Then it's his turn to look at you as if you're crazy. "All we ever do is wing things Y/N, this shouldn't be much different."

Your eyes widen as you remember Erwin telling you those exact words before Eren's trial. "R-Right," you respond. You silence yourself as they start talking about Annie. You take bigger bites of your bread so you have an excuse to leave.

"Y/N," you hear a recognizable voice say. You look over at the entrance of the cafeteria to see Levi stand there. He has a pair of black pants on and a white button-up shirt. He has a black jacket draped over his shoulders, and of course, his signature cravat.

You finish your bread and then walk over to him. "Y'know you're supposed to put your arms through the side of the jacket right? It's just like wearing a shirt," you tease. His face forms into a scowl, "Tch... whatever." You laugh at his irritation. You walk out of the cafeteria with him and the doors close behind you loudly.

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