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You and Levi made your way into the dining hall. The room was filled with noise and different kinds of breakfast smells. Multiple conversations passed your ears as you followed Levi. He leads you to a table in which you found Erwin and several other faces, unknown to you. You saw some rolls in the middle of the table and grabbed one as you sat down. A few people greeted you and all you did was wave back.

Levi sat down next to you on the bench, Erwin was sitting across from the two of you. "Hi, there!" you hear a happy voice say from beside you. "Hello," you greet with a smile. You turn slightly so you're facing the girl. "You're Captain Y/N L/N, right?" she asks you with a giddy voice. "Yes, that would be me," you say with a slight laugh. "My name is Sylvia Ainsworth, I'm apart of The Garrison," she explains.

Sylvia's hair was a light brown that was currently up in a ponytail, and her eyes were deep forest green. "It's nice to meet you Sylvia!" you say, putting a sincere smile on your face. She seemed like a nice girl, and she was a few years younger than you based on the way that spoke towards you. She looked like she was in her lower twenties, but you didn't exactly look like you were already thirty.

(Obviously, most of you aren't 30, and I'm hoping that you guys don't get upset about this like you did with the height thing. I just find it extremely cringey when authors have Levi in relationships with 15-year-olds...)

You continued to make small talk with her as you slowly ate your roll of bread. Midway through the conversation, you wanted to join Erwin and Levi's conversation, but you decided to keep talking to the new friend you made. She told you about what she does in the Garrison and how she works in intelligence. She also spoke about her family back home inside of Wall Rose, but closer to Wall Sina.

"We didn't always live inside of Wall Rose though, I'm originally from Wall Maria," Sylvia said, sadly. You raised your eyebrows at her. "Oh yeah?" Her face brightened up with a smile, "Yes." You gave her a sad smile, "I'm actually from Wall Maria as well," you tell her. "Oh," she simply said. "Did, um, did your family make it out okay?" she questions, looking at you. "Only me," you say, averting your eyes away from her. You could feel eyes looking at you're on your back, as well as your side.

"Well it's a good thing you joined the military then!" she tells you happily. You look at her with a confused expression on your face. "The military regiments are all like a family! At least that's how it's like in The Garrison, I guess I wouldn't know what it's like in the Scouts," The brunette tells you. She awkwardly scratches the back of her neck, thinking of a way to change the topic.

"No," you say softly. "No?" she asks. You put your eyes back on her. "That's how it's like in the Survey Corps as well," you inform her. "We have squads and my squad and I live together in the old Headquarters. We're all like a little family actually," you say with a cheeky grin. "Glad you feel that way Y/N," you hear Erwin say from across the table. You glare at him, "What a nice way to invite yourself into a conversation." He laughs at your venomous words. "Y-Y/N isn't he your Commander?" Sylvia whispers to you. You laugh at her wariness. "Yes, but we've known each other forever," you say with a smile.

"Oh I see," she says, with a warm look in her eyes. Someone calls her name from behind you, which she turns around to investigate. "Well it looks like I need to go," Sylvia says, looking back at you. "Maybe I'll see you later Y/N!" she shouts to you as she walks backward away from you. "I'm sure we'll see each other again," you say back to her. You watch as she disappears into the crowd of soldiers.

"Well someone's made a friend," Erwin says, grabbing your attention. "You know, sometimes I like to talk to normal females. Hanji is great and all, but normality is also amazing as well," you say, rolling your eyes. You start to think about Hanji after you mention her name.

"Do you think they're all okay?" you ask, looking down. "Shouldn't we have heard something by now? It's been a whole night." You start to mop slightly, thinking about the worst things that could be happening to your friends. "I think they'll be alright," Levi says to you. You look up at him. "If we don't hear anything from them today we'll be sending out more parties tomorrow," Erwin informs you. "But is that a good idea?" you ask him. "To risk more lives than we already have." Erwin raises his thick eyebrows at you. "Isn't that why we joined the military?" he asks you before getting up.

"Pastor Nick should be outside in a cart, I want you two to watch him today," he orders you before walking away. "H-Hey! You demoted to me second in command of a squad and now you've put me on babysitting duty!" you yell at him. You hear his deep laugh as he continues to walk away from you.

You puff your cheeks and pout as you slump back down into your seat. You look around to see that the hall isn't as full as it was when you first got there. Levi pinches one of your cheeks while it's still puffed up. You release the air from your cheeks and, in return, he releases your skin. "C'mon demotee," he says getting up from his seat. He starts to walk towards the exit and you get up to follow him.

"I liked brat better than that..."

• • •

You and Levi sat in a wooden wagon with Pastor Nick in silence. He hasn't tried to say anything to either of you since you got there. However, he does still have that stupid worried expression on his face.

"So like, you know more than you're telling us right? Yesterday you claimed that you 'couldn't tell us any more than you already did.'" you ask him. "That is correct," he simply responds. He keeps his eyes forward, not sparing you a single glance. "And what are we suppose to do if this girl that you were talking about is out there getting eaten?" you say, leaning your head back. You don't get a response at that time.

You lean your head farther back to see multiple MPs gathered on the porch of a building. One of them whistles. "Is that Captain Y/N I see," he then questions. You narrow your eyes and then sit up. "What if it is?" you ask him, irritation in your voice. "We're just surprised that the beauty isn't on the battlefield," another one of them says. You roll your eyes. "Don't you think it's pathetic that this beauty could kick your ass into the Titan Breach?" The group of males laughs at your comment. "Not pathetic at all." You hear a voice from behind you say, "I could put you six feet under though."

You turn so you're front-facing. You notice that Levi has a clear look of anger and irritation on his face. You glance back at the MPs to see that they all have scattered into a different location. You then put one of your hands over your mouth.

"What are you doing?" Levi snaps at you. "Containing my laughter," you say honestly, letting your giggles slide. Levi looks to the side. "I didn't know that even Levi Ackerman got jealous," you say between laughs. "I was not jealous," he simply says. "You were definitely jealous," Nick confirms. Your laughing fit becomes even louder than it originally was, and you move to sit beside Levi. He avoids making eye contact as you continue to laugh at his cuteness. You wipe your eyes as you settle down. He looks at you, his cheeks the faintest color of pink.

"Thank you," you say smiling up at him. He doesn't say anything, instead, he just grabs your hand.

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