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B/F/N... Best Friend Name (Female)

You woke up the next morning and turned over to find Levi laying on his stomach. His eyes were closed, and you could see his bareback rising and falling as he breathed. His hair was messy and his lean arms were securely wrapped around his pillow. There was a small smile that graced his features as he continued to sleep.

You smiled to yourself when you felt your heart flutter. You moved closer to him and rubbed his back softly. His eyes continued to stay softly shut, signifying that you didn't wake him. You couldn't help but run your hand down his skin. You would've expected his pale skin to be rough, but it was surprisingly smooth. You traced each groove of his muscles with your pointer finger until his eyes slowly started to open. You immediately put your hand back to your side and put a sheepish smile on your face.

"Morning," he mumbles in a raspy voice. He moves closer to you as he feels the cool air hit his bare skin. "Good morning Levi," you say, accepting his embrace. You were laying on your back as his arms wrapped around you from the side. You give him a side glance to notice that he's shut his eyes again. You can't help but smile at him knowing that he's comfortable around you. "What time is it?" he asks you, his warm breath hitting your ear. "The hallways aren't noisy yet, so it's probably pretty early," you reply quietly. Rather than saying anything else, Levi kisses your cheek.

Humanities Strongest Soldier or Best Cuddler?

"Levi," you say, grabbing his attention. You turn on your side so you're facing him. You see that his eyes are now tiredly staring into yours. "How did you join the Survey Corps?" you ask him. You can see that, that question caught him by surprise. "You don't have to tell me, I just remember that you suddenly joined, and I wasn't a Captain yet so..." you trail off. He breaks eye contact with you, and you narrow your eyes at him.

You put your hand on his cheek and force him to meet your E/Ced eyes. "If you tell me, I'll tell you my story," you say with a small smile. "Fine, just don't say anything until I'm done," he tells you hesitantly. You nod and wait for him to start.

"I lived in the Underground, and to survive, I had to rely on illegal actions," he says.

You try to not make any facial expressions as he talks because you don't want him to assume any of your thoughts.

"I had befriended two people, Furlan Church and Isabel Magnolia. Furlan had gray eyes and dark blond hair. He was also focused and could make the distinction of when to have fun and when to be serious. He disliked it when things got out of control, but it was a regular occurrence for us. Isabel on the other hand had green eyes with red hair. She was also full of energy and wasn't afraid to speak her mind. She was the most cheerful and optimistic out of the three of us."

You watched as his facial features seemed to sadden while talking about Furlan and Isabel.

"To get around we stole three sets of 3DMG, but we discarded the blades. That was how I learned how to use the 3DMG," he explains to you.

You haven't been in the Underground too many times, but you can remember the strange streets and narrow alleyways that he would've had to have memorized to get around well.

"But you didn't ask about that, you asked how I joined the Survey Corps," he says with a small smirk on his face. "The three of us were used to fleeing from the Military Police, but there was one time that they had sent the Survey Corps after us instead. Among the four of them that were trying to capture us was Erwin and Mike."

Your eyebrows furrow in confusion, assuming that Erwin forced him to join the military.

"They captured Furlan and Isabel, so I couldn't put up too much of a fight. Erwin said that we had the choice of going to prison or joining them in the Survey Corps. I chose the latter. They took us on the next expedition that they led and Furlan and Isabel ended up..." Levi trails off mumbling the last part.

Understanding what he meant, you wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him into an embrace. You didn't speak because you hadn't known if he was finished yet. He cleared his throat, but he didn't move.

"Can I talk now?" you say into his neck. He stifles a chuckle, "Yes." You hug him tighter. "My best friend died when I was first promoted to Captain. I was nervous about making orders because I never had to tell anyone else what to do. I can't remember exactly what I had ordered her to do, but she was found dead at the end of the expedition," you can feel your eyes tear up thinking about B/F/N. "It was the first order I had given out and it resulted in a death," you say,  laughing at the irony.

"You go now," Levi says. You pull away from him with a confused look on your face. "How did you join the Survey Corps?" You feel a tear run down your cheek and Levi quickly wipe your face.

"Oh, well I joined the Survey Corps when I was-" There was a knocking at the door. "If you never come out of there, you're going to miss breakfast," you hear Erwin say on the other side of the door. You sigh and get up. You start changing out of Levi's clothes and put on the clothes that you had on yesterday.

"Close enough to be stripping, are we?" Levi asks you sarcastically. "Shut up!" you yell, throwing his shirt at him. You grab your clothes and stubbornly march into the bathroom, only to hear his laugh behind you.

You smile when you close the door, content with the fact that you now know more than you thought you ever would about Levi Ackerman.

You quickly change into your clothes from yesterday and try to make yourself look more presentable. It wouldn't have mattered too much if you were back at the castle with the rest of your usual companions, but you didn't know most of the people here, so you didn't want to go around looking like a slob. You used a brush to untangle your hair. Once you were satisfied you went back out into the bedroom to find Levi waiting for you.

He changed back into his clothes from yesterday as well. "You know I was kidding right?" he asks you. "About what?" you questioned, slightly perplexed. Levi raises his eyebrows at you, "About the stripping thing, brat." He looked away from you with slightly pink cheeks. "Aww, are you embarrassed Levi?" you ask, approaching him. "Not at all," he says, looking back at you. You roll your eyes at him.

"You're so cute!" you exclaim. "Shouldn't I be saying that about you?" he asks you. Your cheeks turn extremely red as his words hit your ears. "Aww, are you embarrassed Y/N?" he asks with a mocking tone. "Not at all, brat," you mock back at him. You smile once you meet his eyes. He grins at you softly.

"You ready to go?" he asks. "Yeah," you tell him. He grabs your hand and pulls you into his lips before walking towards the door. "Hey Levi!" you say. "Yeah?" he questions.

"You know I love you right?" you say with pink cheeks. His eyes widened at your words. "Of course I knew that, you brat. Are you coming?" he asks you. You feel yourself frown slightly as he doesn't return the words. You look at him and tilt your head before walking to his side.

"I love you too," he says before walking out of the door with you.

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