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You restlessly roll in his bed, remembering what happened just a few hours ago. You haven't been able to control your blush since Levi fell asleep. You'd close your eyes and attempt to fall asleep, but your thoughts wouldn't stay quiet long enough for you to reach your slumber.

• • •

"I already told you, I don't want you to get hurt any more than you already are," he responds. He inches closer to you until your foreheads lightly touch. You could feel his breath on your lips as he continued to get closer.

You felt the side of his nose brush against yours. Being in such close proximity to him, you couldn't help but look into his eyes. You notice his pupils get slightly bigger but put no thought into it as you closed the lids of your own eyes.

After what felt like an eternity, his lips finally met yours. You could tell his actions were hesitant, but it didn't stop your moment of bliss. His lips left yours far too soon, and you looked up at him. He had the tiniest hint of pink to his cheeks, and his eyes held something in them that you were unaware of.

You slipped your hands upwards. One of them was behind his neck, and the other was resting on his jawline. You pulled him closer to you, allowing his lips to meet yours once again. This time he did not hesitate to kiss you back.

You could taste the bitterness of his favorite drink on his lips. Normally you would cringe at the taste of plain black tea, but you couldn't help but enjoy it in this moment. His lips were much softer than you expected them to be.

You moved the hand you had placed on his cheek upwards, towards his hair. His hands roamed from your hips, moving from the small of your back to the tops of your thighs.

Suddenly, you felt his tongue run across your bottom lip. You wasted no time in parting your lips for him. Your tongues danced together as you granted him access to your mouth. He claimed all that he could before you, once again, broke apart for air.

His lips found their way to your cheek as you caught your breath. He wandered his way down to your jaw and then to your collarbones. You lightly tugged on his hair and then pushed it back as he planted pecks on your S/Ced skin.

He stopped kissing you after a few moments passed. He pulled you as close as he could get you to his body. You wrapped both of your arms around his neck, accepting his embrace.

Neither of you bothered to exchange words. You stayed in his arms until you heard his breathing even out. As he fell asleep his hold on you became looser. You tried to get comfortable and fall asleep, but you couldn't help but listen to the fast beating of your heart.

• • •

You continued to shift around, trying to get comfortable. You stopped, scanning Levi's face. His hair was still pushed back and his face looked peaceful. It reminded you of the time you found him sleeping at his desk. He rolled so he was on his back. You couldn't help but smile as you watched him.

"Y/N," you heard leave his lips. You blushed, curious about was he was dreaming. You didn't put much thought into it as you snuggled closer to him. You slowly rubbed his lean stomach as you listened to the beating of his heart. The rhythm eventually caused you to fall into a peaceful slumber.

• • •

You woke up to find empty sheets beside you. You quickly got up and put your boots on, which you found at the foot of the bed. You stretched your shoulder as you walked towards Levi's office. Once you entered the room you didn't find him there either. You did, however, find a note on his desk.

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