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The door suddenly crashes open, interrupting Levi. "Captain Levi! Captain Y/N! The scouts and military police are back from their expedition!" a young soldier says with a solute. "Thanks," you say waving him away. He leaves and you glance at Levi. "We can talk about this later, for now, we should go see Erwin," Levi says while getting up. You follow his lead and you both leave to go find the Commander.

•   •   •

You and Levi were headed to a room above the infirmary. You had been informed that Erwin had been treated for an injury and was kept around so they could tend to his wounds every few hours.

"Do you think his injuries are bad?" you ask Levi, walking a few paces behind him. "Hopefully not, but there's only one way to find out," he says. You stand beside him as he approaches a door and raises his fist to knock.

"Come in," you hear Erwin's deep voice say. Levi opens the door and you immediately gasp at the sight of Erwin. He has a grey t-shirt on and his white button-up is draped over his shoulders. One of his hands is in his lap while the other one is bandaged at his elbow.

"Wha-what-" you start, but stop when Levi elbows you in the side. You look over at him and he shakes his head. You step into the room, going to the left side of his bed and taking a seat in a wooden chair. Levi follows your move but leans on the wall behind you.

"Pixis should be here soon with an update on how the mission went," Erwin says in an emotionless tone. You scan your eyes over him to find his grey eyes staring into his lap. You glance behind you at Levi to find him staring out the window.

A few moments later you hear another knock on the door and it opens to reveal the Garrison Commander himself. "Commander Pixis," you say with a nod as he moves to sit down on the right side of Erwin's bed.

"Captain Levi, Captain Y/N, always a pleasure to see the both of you," he says with his usual smile. "No need for the small talk Pixis, you know that they both want to hear the report," Erwin says, still not looking up from his lap.

"Alright well," Pixis stops to clear his throat. "During the mission to save Eren Jaeger, the scouts lost over half of their veteran contingents-" your eyes widen when you hear that "- and much military police lost their lives as well. Jaeger was retrieved and the group didn't lose a single soldier on their way back to the walls."

"Not a single soldier?" you ask with your eyebrows furrowed. "As if that makes up for all the men that we lost," Levi mumbles. "From what I heard-" Pixis starts.

"They ran past us." Erwin states. "What?" you ask. His blue eyes meet yours. "On our way back, all of the titans ran past us to fight the Armored Titan." You move your hand on your chin, "Do you know what caused them to behave that way?" Erwin's eyes return to his lap, "I believe it's another one of Eren's titan abilities." The room falls silent again as you all ponder your thoughts.

Another knock on the door causes all of your eyes to shift. "Hange," Levi says before turning back to Erwin. "Come in!"

"Pardon the intrusion, Erwin..." Hanji gasps slightly, "Commander Pixis. Glad we caught you," she says with a salute. "Uhm this is," she says looking to her right asking Connie to state his name. "Sir, Connie Springer sir, 104th cadet core," he says with a salute. You notice the panic in his wide eyes as he stares at all of you. "Connie here is originally a citizen of Ragako," Hanji says and your gaze moves back to her. "Ah yes, where the invasion seems to have begun, correct?" Pixis asks. "Yes, sir he's corroborated a valuable piece of evidence in that regard. I think you'll find his story supports our hypothesis. Solider, if you would," she says looking over at him.

"Yes Ma'am," he says looking straight ahead of him. You notice he's holding something behind his back. "I volunteered to lead a group of soldiers to Ragako when the invasion originally began because I knew the area that we were in well. Upon arriving at my village, there was no carnage to be found, but many of the houses were destroyed. I went to check around my house to..." he stops himself and glances around the room. You frown slightly, understand what he must be feeling.

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