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You woke up the next morning in a shitty mood. You spent the whole night tossing and turning because your mind wouldn't shut off.

You got up and looked out the window in your room. The sun was barely beginning to rise, itself. You decided to go out into the kitchen and make yourself some tea.

You sat down at the conference table alone and took a few sips of your tea. Levi and Hanji hadn't come back last night. You expected Hanji to stay the night in Trost, but you were hopeful that Levi would return before the morning.

You smacked yourself in the cheek and let your head fall on the table. You pressed your right cheek into the cold wood as you stared at the wall to your left. You were so frustrated with yourself because you couldn't stop thinking about him. All night you were laying in your bed hoping for him to open the door to your room and join you, but he never did. You had never felt this way about anyone before and it was so frustrating, so suffocating.

And you had realized it last night. You were completely in love with Levi Ackerman, and, for who knows what reason, he wouldn't even spare you a single glance the day before.

After staring at the wall for several minutes your eyes began to shut on their own, your thoughts still running rampant.

• • •

"Y/N!" you jumped as your name was yelled. "What? What's going on?" you say, standing up. You look around you to see Jean and Sasha. "Nothing, we all woke up this morning and you were out here asleep at the table. We let you sleep, but Captain Levi and Hanji are going to be back soon so we wanted to wake you up," Jean explained.

You nod as they walk into the kitchen to join their squadmates. Walking over to the window, you see that the sun is higher in the sky, and realize that it is probably late morning. You walk back to your room to change into some fresh clothes and put your hair in a bun, and then you stared at yourself in the mirror. There were small purple bags under your eyes from your lack of sleep the night prior and you looked pale.

"Hanji and the others are back! We're meeting in the main room!" You hear Sasha yell. You take once last glance at yourself and go to the bathroom to splash some water on your face before going to the main room.

You walk down the stairs and find everyone already circled one of the tables, waiting for you. "Nice of you to show up Y/N!" Hanji says with a big smile. "Sorry," you mumble and stand next to her squad. You notice your squadmates giving you looks of concern from the other side of the table. "Not as chipper as you normally are this morning?" she asks, to which you just stare at her. "Well that's fine, I have rather grim news too," she says looking at the floor.

"What's this about?" Levi asks Hanji. "I'm sorry, Pastor Nick... he was murdered," she responds. Your eyes widen and Sasha lets out a gasp. "We should sit down," you say and everyone takes a seat. You were sat at a lone chair, near the window, behind Sasha and Connie.

"Today, in the Trost barracks. We heard the news and went by his room to see if we could get any information and we ran into two interior military police. I got a glance at his body, and I believe they tortured him for information before they murdered him," she explains. "I figured that the church would want to get their hands on Nick when they learned he was cooperating with the Scouts. That's why I hid his identity and had him stay in the barracks. I never imagined they would use soldiers to kill him. This was my fault," Hanji further explains, looking at her hands. "I should've been more careful."

The room breaks into silence and Levi takes a sip of his tea. "They tortured him, presumably for information. Did they just want to know what he had passed on to us?" Armin ponders.

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