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You stand next to Hanji while some soldiers examine the crystal. After Levi stopped Eren from eating Annie, it seems that she trapped her body inside of a shell. The substance holding her in has proven to be completely unbreakable.

You've been watching Jean trying to break open the crystal for a while. It's to the point where his blade is only a nub. He grunts in frustration and tries one more time before his blade is practically nonexistent.

"Dammit! All the shit we've been through, and this is what we get?" Jean asks no one. "Annie! Wake up! C'mon, face the music! You owe us!" You walk towards him while he continues his outburst.

You smack his back when he raises his hand to strike her once again. "You done yet?" you ask him. He turns and glares at you. "Clearly your upset, as we all are, but glaring at me isn't going to get her out of there," you mention.

"Someone get me a wire net! This thing belongs deep underground," Hanji says behind you. You turn to her with a questionable look on your face, but then realize she was ordering the troops around us.

You sigh and turn back to the girl. You crouch down by her face and examine her features. Her face is completely relaxed and her eyes are closed. It looks as if she's peacefully sleeping. You stand up when you see that there's nothing anyone can do.

Your eyes skim the area around you trying to find the short, black-haired Captain, but you cannot locate him.

"We'll talk about this later."

Chills run down your spine as you remember the words he last spoke to you. You can recall the irritated look that was in his eyes, along with the slight hint of confusion that was spread throughout his features. You put a lock of your H/Ced hair behind your ear and continue to walk on.

"I should've just stayed in the stupid carriage," you mutter, as you try to find an available one to take you back to headquarters. 

"Talking to yourself are you?" you hear a loud voice question. You turn back around slightly irritated this time. "What do you want Hanji?" you question, giving her a stern look. "I was just going to tell you that you should take the carriage that the recruits are taking back," she says with a smile. You nod and walk off towards the direction of the four you're leaving with. You notice Hanji's smile almost instantly falls as you walk away.

• • •

You sat in the carriage leaning against the window. You watched the trees you pasted and the birds that flew out of the way of the carriage.

"No, you should ask her."

"No, you should."

You glance over at the three starring at you. You look at Mikasa, Jean, and Armin who all have their eyes on you. Eren was taken in a carriage before you left so he could get medical attention.

"What do you want?" you question. Jean gulps before saying anything. "We were just curious if you wanted to tell us what's wrong?" You narrow your eyes at them. "I have no idea what you're talking about," you insist. "Really? You seem to be in an unusually sour mood for yourself," Armin mentions.

You sigh at his comment. "I'm probably going to die when we get back to the base," you explain to them looking back out the window. "What?! Why?" Armin asks. You puff your cheeks out and continue to stare at the landscape in front of you. "Well you see. . ." you trail off.

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