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You were still stationed in the wagon with Levi and Pastor Nick. Now, you were surrounded by soldiers from all three of the regiments. Everyone was waiting to hear word back from Hanji's group.

"What a joke," someone says from in front of you. You've moved back to your original spot next to Nick while Levi remained on the other side of the wagon. "I thought this was supposed to be an emergency," the same voice complains. You look behind Levi to see three Military Police talking.

"Yeah, we just come here to sit on our asses, or what?" another one says, agreeing with him. You scowl at his words as you think about your comrades who could be dead right now. "Hey Levi!" the first MP says towards your wagon. "Where are you hiding all the titans!" he asks. He's in an eager stance that makes you cringe.

"Problem? You seem eager to be eaten alive, Soldier," Levi responds. You chuckle at his words. You can see the three MPs start to sweat out of nervousness. They all look taken aback. "Sorry, we couldn't make that happen for you today. Plenty of opportunities outside of the wall if you're looking, lots of Scouting Expeditions. I'd be more than happy for the help, we could all fight titans together." This time you cannot contain your laughter. You even see the corner of Nick's lips twitch slightly.

"Well you know... there's our work in the interior," the second MP says, looking at the other two. They all nod in agreement.

"Hey! The advanced squad is back! Go! Tell Commander Pixis."

You immediately hop down from the wagon, not waiting for Levi. You've been patiently waiting to hear the news about your friends all day and you're not exactly a patient person.

You stand next to Erwin and Commander Pixis as the soldier starts to explain that their unit went around the whole wall to find no breach.

"I see," Pixis says, gaining your attention. "No breach as far as you could tell, correct?" The panting Garrison soldier looks up. "That's correct, Sir." You try to spot Levi in the crowd of people and you find him standing by a set of stairs. "But, Sir! A situation has developed, you see, we ran into another group on the way back to Trost, it was the Scout unit lead by Section Commander Hanji." You immediately put all of your attention on the soldier in front of you. "There were recruits from the 104th Cadet Core with them. None of whom had equipment. This may sound crazy Sir, but three of them... we're... titans!" he finally says.

Your eyes widen at his words. "What the? Hold on a second seriously? You mean like there were three... more?!" Jean questions. "But who were they? Who, dammit?" he says towards Sasha. "Actually I, um..." Sasha starts. You elbow Jean in the side. "Calm down," you simply say.

"What happened when their titan forms revealed?" Erwin says, stepping forward. "The scouts engaged The Armored Titan and The Colossal in battle as best they could Sir, but by the time our unit arrived on the scene, it was... too late. I'm sorry," the soldier responds. Your eyes widen and your hand shoots up into your mouth.

They're all...

You can feel your eyes start to water slightly. "I, um..." you say, clearing your throat. "Are they all dead?" you simply ask. "No Ma'am," he says looking at you. "So then it was too late for...?" you trail off waiting for him to answer your question. "Well you see, The Armored and The Colossal took Eren Jaeger and another member of the 104th Cadet Squad, the other titan shifter," he explains. You look over at Erwin to find him looking at Commander Pixis. They exchange a look and everyone in the crowd waits for what they are going to decide on.

"I suppose we must go on an Expedition," Erwin says. "We?" one of the Military Police yells. "Yes, we'll head out as soon as possible to Wall Rose where the conflict occurred. We'll meet up with Section Commander Hanji's group and then immediately leave to go after Eren Yeagar. Retrieving him will be our top priority," Erwin explains to everyone. Commander Pixis nods, agreeing with his plan. Everyone in the crowd starts to mutter amongst themselves. Slowly, they all break off to prepare for the upcoming expedition. You walk over to Levi, only to notice that Erwin followed you.

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