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As you rode on with your squad you started to see a plethora of smoke signals from your right-hand side. Once you saw the smoke signals you continued to pass the message on to the left side of the formation.

"Y/N, isn't that where you were?" Gunther asks me. "Yeah. Like I said there were plenty of abnormals, but it seems weird that they're only coming from the right," you say. You suddenly remember the cadet you ran into that offered you the spare horse.

"Hey Eren?" you say. You notice him zoning off looking towards the direction of the Titans. "Eren!" you say louder. "W-What?" he questions snapping out of his trance. "I think I may have run into someone that you know while I was near the front lines," you tell him. "If I remember his name correctly I think it was Armin?"

"Y-You ran into Armin?!" he questions excitedly. He suddenly speeds up and rides next to you. "Yeah, you know him?" you ask glancing over at him. You notice that Levi and the others are listening in on your conversation. "I've known him since we were kids, he's one of my best friends," Eren says with a goofy smile. "Well I think he'll be fine," you say honestly. "Though he did look like he was about to shit his pants," you tell him with a laugh.

The silence grows between you after the laughter dies down. Eren moves back behind you and you continue alongside Levi. You take glances at him, occasionally receiving looks from him yourself. You fiddle with the reins on H/N to keep yourself entertained.

Normally you're positioned at the front lines, and you'd be fighting your ass off right about now. You yawn as you start to grow tired of being bored.

"Keep your eyes open," Levi tells you. You look over at him to find him looking at you. "They are, it's just boring all the way back here," you tell him. "Tch," is all you receive from him.

He probably feels the same way.

You look behind you to find Petra, Oluo, Eld, and Gunther focused on what in front of them. You stretch your legs once your eyes are front-facing again.

How the hell am I suppose to just sit back here and do nothing all day?

• • •

"Reporting Sir! An oral message! It appears the right-wing spotters have been wiped out! The early warning network is compromised, one of you will need to relay the message down the line!" a soldier tells Levi as he rides close.

"You heard the man Petra, go on," Levi orders. "Sir!" she says before she rides off. "Thank you!" you yell at the soldier who gave you the message.

"Y/N!" Eren suddenly says. You glance back at him. "Didn't you say my friend was on the right-wing?" he questions. Your eyes widen slightly, and you want to slap yourself. "He was on the right-wing but was nowhere near the outliers so he should be fine. Try not to worry too much about him, you just have to have hope," you tell him with a smile in your voice. You suddenly hear the sound of signal flares being fired off from your right.

"Black smoke? An abnormal?" Eren questions. "Eren fire the signal," Levi commands. "Yes, Sir!"

"This is a disgrace. Lotta good the formation does if the bastards can bore into it that deeply," Levi says. "It has to be multiple titans, even if it is an abnormal there's no way that it could've made it this far into the formation alone," you say. "Let's hope," Levi says. You look behind at Eren to see him focused on our right side. "Eren! Eyes ahead!" you order. "Right!" he says looking forward.

You sigh quietly and look at your left arm. It's started to tingle slightly, almost a numbing feeling. You inspect the bandage and there seems to be no blood. You shake off the feeling and focus on your surroundings.

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