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You woke up the next morning and heard Levi turn the shower on. You decided to continue to lay in bed until he got out. There wasn't a rush to get up because everyone was out on an expedition so you'll probably spend the day waiting around for them to get back. You decided to close your eyes for a few more minutes, waiting for Levi to come out of the bathroom. Your face became very red when you started thinking about the events that took place the night before.

"I want you."

You roll over onto your stomach, embarrassed, stuffing your face into the pillow. You suddenly hear the bathroom door click and turn to see Levi looking over at you.

When he emerges from the bathroom he has black pants on with a white shirt and his signature cravat.  You smile at him as he approaches you and he gives you a small smile in return.

"Good morning," you say, simply. "Good morning," he responds, sitting on the bed, next to you. "How did you sleep?" he asks you. "I slept okay, I'm worried about everyone, it's been a long time since I've had to sit out on an expedition. I feel useless just sitting here while everyone else is risking their lives to get Eren back," you confess. "I know what you mean, I've never been left behind while everyone else goes on an expedition," Levi says with a slight frown.

You sigh and your mind wanders to what could happen if they can't retrieve Eren. You decide to stop worrying and focus on getting ready for the day. "I should get in the shower," you state, pulling the sheets off of you. "Yes you should," Levi agrees with you. "Are you trying to tell me that I stink?" you ask him, raising a brow. He shrugs his shoulders while a small smirk on his face. "Why do you love teasing me so much?" you ask, making your way over to the bathroom. "Only because you make it so easy," he says with a chuckle. You roll your eyes and shut the door as you proceed to get into the shower.

•    •    •

After you got out, you put your usual clothes on and noticed that Levi was missing. Curious about where he went, you left the room to wander the halls. You were starting to get a little nervous because Erwin and the others had not returned yet.

You found yourself down in the dining hall and spotted Levi and Pastor Nick at one of the tables. The space was empty aside from a few MPs that didn't go on the expedition.

"Good morning," you say approaching the table that the two were at. "Good morning Captain Y/N," Nick says back to you. Levi nods at you as you sit down next to him. You look at Nick, seeing the nervous look that he always has on his face. He has wrinkles on his forehead and around his eyes. You also notice his lack of sleep indicated by the dark circles under his eyes.

"What were you doing up so early?" you ask, turning to Levi. "I was just seeing if Pastor Nick here had anything else he wanted to share with us," he responds. He takes a sip of his black tea and then looks back at Nick.

You take another look at Nick and become curious about what else he knows about the walls are their origin, as well as the royal family. Knowing that he won't reveal anything else he knows, you lose interest and turn back to Levi.

"Did Erwin tell you how long he thought they would be gone?" you ask. "He said he was hoping for them to be back tonight, but it all depends on how far the titans got with Eren," Levi replies. "I see." You grab a piece of bread from the basket and take a bite of it while Levi drinks his tea. Nick stands up from the table and heads towards the staircase leading upstairs.

"What do you want to do today to pass time? If I have to sit here like this all day waiting for them to get back I think I may drop dead," You ask the man sitting next to you. "We'll you promised me that you would tell me how you joined the scouts," he reminds you. You look around to see a few MPs but no one of real importance. "Okay, I'll tell you but not here."

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