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Armin, Connie, and Sasha emerge from the trees as well. Levi orders Connie and Sasha to watch the surrounding area for more MPs. He then orders Mikasa and Armin to tie the two MPs' wrists together.

You put the rifles on the ground next to Levi and study his features. He's looking down at the ground, and you can tell by his expression that he's thinking.

"What are you thinking?" You say as you sit down beside him. His eyes meet yours.

"We should go to the camp disguised as MPs and snoop around until we can find something about where Eren's being held. It's a shit plan, but it's all we can do," he says. You purse your lips at this.

"Do we have time? You said earlier that we only have a day until Eren is at the estate," you mention. His gaze leaves yours and falls back towards the ground.

"Captain," Jean says simply. Both of you look at him and he holds out a piece of paper to Levi.

"Hm?" Is all Levi lets out before taking it. He looks down at it.

"Now then, you're Stohess district Military Police. Private Marlo Freudenberg. Same assignment Private Hitch Dreyse. We need to dispose of you," he says looking at the piece of paper. This causes both of them to gasp and fear to take over their expressions.

"Because of what... you did! Stohess was a graveyard! Over a hundred people were killed!" Hitch yells while looking at Levi.

"Huh?" He says peering down at her. You move your hand to your face to hide your smile at his reaction.

"You bastards! I bet you all think your some kind of heroes of justice, but you're not! You dropped dozens of innocent families straight into hell on that mission of yours!" She continues to yell.

"Yeah, we did," Levi says with a bored expression. He moves so one of his swords is resting on his shoulders.

"Hey, you! You're from the Southern Cadet Core, right? So you trained with Annie Leonhart? Were you a friend of hers? No... she wouldn't have had friends there either. Way to gloom and unapproachable for that. She was just afraid of people like a scared little kid. Now I'll never get the chance to learn anything about her. She's officially listed as missing, you know why? It's because one of your titans turned her into an ugly red stain on the street!" Hitch continues on. At this point, you could not contain your laughter at the irony.

"What are you laughing at?" She yells look at you. You can see the anger in her eyes, and you shoot her a smile.

"That titan that we captured in Stohess was Annie Leonhart, herself, you moron," you say, causing both of them to gasp.

"Goddammit. It makes me sick. Nobody knows a thing about this world. Not us or anyone else. Except for the bastards at the center of it all," Levi says while his gaze rests on you. There's a moment of silence between everyone before Levi makes a decision on what he wants to do next. You look back at him and notice all the different shades of grey in his eyes as different ideas flood his head.

"We're letting you go, but we need to give ourselves a head start on you," he decides.

"Hey, Captain Levi! Please, let me join in your cause! I believe that the Military Police are in the wrong here. If there's any way that I can fight this world's injustice, then that's what I want to do!" Marlo eagerly says.

"Easy. Calm down," Levi instructs. You see Marlo shift on his knees.

"I swear I won't let you down, Sir!"

"No. I have no way of telling if you have enough resolve to make an enemy of the state. Let's go," he says as he walks toward the trees, sheathing his sword.

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