Chapter 12

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Catra's POV

"First day of school and a fight already happend." Principal Moon said dissapointly.

"It's that girl's fault! She attacked Norwyn like a wild beast!" The friend of the guy that I beat up into a pulp said.

"It wasn't her fault! Norwyn kept on taunting -" Adora said but was cut off.

"That doesn't mean she can just beat him up - !"

"Enough!" Principal Moon silenced. "I am very dissapointed of what you guys are acting." She sighs. "Ms. Casper, why did you beat up Mr. Norwyn? Don't you know that he was almost sent into the hospital because of what you did?"

I looked at her. "I don't regret any actions I did earlier. He was spitting dirty shits towards Adora, he deserves to be beaten up."

"Violence isn't the answer -"

"So what is? Disipline? Do you think something will go through that thick skull of his." I spat calmly. "He may not physically hurted Adora but he emotionally did, he hurted Adora without any reason at all and I did hurt him with a reason."

Principal Moon sighs then rubs her temple. "Call your guardians Ms. Casper, tell them to come here, I'd need to talk to them." She tells me. "And also Mr. Norwyn's guardians, tell them to come here." She told them.

I sighs then grabs the telephone on Principal Moon's desk as I dialed the telephone number on our mansion's.

It rings for a few minutes before someone answers it.

"Hello? Who is this?" A maid asked.

"This is Catra, I need to talk to Lonnie, Kyle and Rogelio." I whispered so nobody could hear.

"Okay, miss." The other line went silent before hearing Lonnie's loud voice.

"Ayeee Cat! Wassup - !"

"I beat up someone. Come here and disguise as my guardians." I cut her off then end the call.

The telephone rings continuesly making Principal Moon to look at me as I only shrug.

After a few minutes, the door of the office slams open as it revealed Lonnie, Rogelio, and Kyle who are wearing disguises.

Lonnie was wearing a black long dress with so so many make up on her face.

While Rogelio and Kyle are both wearing a fake mustache and some casual outfits.

"WHAT HAPPEND TO MAH BABY!?" Lonnie dramatically said then looked around for me.

When she spotted me, she quickly rushed towards me then squished me with her hug.

"IT'S OKAY, IT'S OKAY. YOUR HOT AUNTIE IS HERE NOW! NO NEED TO WORRY!" Lonnie rants making me mentally groan.

"Good afternoon, are you three Ms. Casper's guardians?" Principal Moon asked.

Rogelio nodded. "Yes, I'm her father, and this is her other father." He pointed at Kyle. "And uhm that's her aunt." He pointed at Lonnie.

"You are both males! How did you both had a child!?" One of Norwyn's friend said. "Hah, so that's why your child turned into a freak -"


A woman then enters the room.

"Good afternoon -"

"What happend to my son!?" She shrieked.

"Students, please step out of the room." Principal Moon commanded us which we did.

Me, Adora and Norwyn's friend walked towards the door and when Me and Norwyn's friend got close towards each other, he glared at me making me roll my eyes and to shove him causing him to fall on the floor.

I quickly pulled Adora's hand as we both runs away while hearing their faint screams.




We both stopped running when we got far.

I looked besides me to see Adora who's nervously fidgetting her fingers.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

She looked at me then tears slips on her eyes making my eyes widen.

"U-Uhm, w-why are you crying? Is there something wrong?" I stuttered not knowing what to do.

She suddenly came closer then hugged me making my eyes widen and to completely froze.

I dont know why buy I felt my cheeks burning up with my heart beating madly fastly as I felt her warmth.

My breathing become unheavy because of the unknown feelings I'm feeling.

What is this!?

"Thank you." She mumbled against my neck now making my cheek burns more. "Thank you for defending me Casper."

"N-No probl-lem." I stutter.

She pulled away from the hug and weirdly after that I felt wanting to pull her back.

"But seriously though, you shouldn't have done that, you literally can get suspended because of what you've done." Adora rants. "Principal Moon is right, violence isnt the answer of handling Norwyn -" She lectured more stuff as I only looks at her face.

Normally I'd feel annoyed when anyone rambles nonsense but why I do feel getting calm hearing her voice.

What the hell are you doing to me.


"What happend to you?" I asked Lonnie who's hair is a mess.

"I beat that bitch up! Hah! She can't fight the power of my baby purse!" Lonnie said then showed her purse while dancing in victory.

I looked at Rogelio for a decent explanation.

"We convinced Principal Moon to not suspend you for beating up that Norwyn guy. We reasoned that you're new at school stuff and have anger issues - I got to okay? And well yeah, when Principal Moon finally agreed, Norwyn's Mom got angry and demand to even expell you. Then Lonnie being Lonnie started a fight with her."

"And now mother and son are both at the clinic!" Lonnie laughs.

"You know that you can go to prison because of what you did right?" I said.

Lonnie shrugged. "Was worth it." She said before turning towards Adora who's besides me as her eyes widened. "Is this... The girl at the concert."

When they continued to look at her, they suddenly squeals then approached Adora.

"You look so beautiful at close!"

"Definitely approved!"

"You are now my sissy in law!"

Adora turned red at the attention while her eyebrows are crease in confusion at what they're blabbing about.

Lonnie suddenly grabbed Adora's shoulder due to excitement making me feel something snapped inside me as I then kicked Lonnie away from Adora causing her to shriek.

"Stop making her uncomfortable." I pulled Adora away from them.

I glared at them three making them nodded nervously and to hug each other.

Adora chuckled.

"You seem to be the guardians more than them."

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