Chapter 36

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Catra's POV:

Six months later.

With a last strum on my electric guitar, we finished our song followed by the audiences cheer.

"Thank you." I says. "Now our performance is done, we have some important announcement to make."

The noises that the audience was doing lessened as they listen intently.

I looked at Sparkles as she nods, signalling that she's still recording.

I looked at the camera, starting to became nervous on what our fans reaction would be.

I felt a warm hand held my own, I looked at Adora who's giving me a comforting smile, silently telling that I can do this.

I breathes out. "We are officially." I started. "Disbanding."

Gossips field the entire place, widen eyes covers their faces.

"Why you may asking? Well we want to focus on our studying. We want to focus on our dreams." I elaborate. "I want to focus on soccer. Its been my dream years ago that I really want to achieve."

"And I want to try culinary. I've always love foods and want to learn how to cook them." Lonnie says.

"I've always wanted to build structures, bridges and buildings. I want to be an engineer." Rogelio says.

"And I'm always good at drawings, that's why I want become an architect." Kyle says.

"Are you guys dumb!? Quitting because of those stupid reasons!?" I looked at the familiar voice to see that it's Norwyn. "You all literally hit the jackpot because of being famous and the money you guys get on that band of yours. And you all just want to throw it away!?"

"Unlike you who haven't and seems like will never taste success and popularity like they do. You'll never understand where they're coming from." Adora says boredly at him earning the crowd to let out a boo's on him causing his face reddened in embarassment and to leave.

"We've been performing all our lives, is it bad to wish for us to do something else?" I adds. "We'll really appreciate it if you all accept our decision. If not, well I guess we cannot do anything about it."

"We'll always support you The Horde!"

"We'll always love you guys!"

"It's okay, Catra! Go chase Adora! I-I mean your dream!"

My nervousness turned into happiness receiving their positive reactions. My heart melted at them.

I looked at DT to see them giving me a thumbs up with a bright smile, silently telling me that the public's reactions was all positive aswell.

I turned towards Adora who's smiling proudly at me because of my bravery and that's all I ever want to see.


"I really never expected their reaction to be like that." I smiles relieved as me and Adora walks around. "I thought that they'll be dissapointed and angry - but they still supported us."

"And you guys deserved it." Adora says sweetly.

"Thank you for being there by the way, and for defending me." I says.

"Of course." She smiles. "By the way, come. I want to show you something."

She held my hand making my cheeks heatened up at the contact as usual as she leads me somewhere.

In this past few months, she still never fails to make my heart pound.

Lots of things happend this past months - and actually, we just graduated earlier on finishing highschool. We did the concert earlier for our graduation party and also the announcement of our disbanding.

After me and Adora made up, I started going to school no longer on disguise, I started going as Catra myself. Of course Principal Moon has to announce to the students to distance themselves to me like what she did to Lonnie, Kyle, and Rogs unless it was school matter. But it never stopped students to pretend asking school matter stuffs. I noticed those made Adora jealous seeing lots of students suddenly approaching me - it was cute.

"We're here." She announces.

We're outside of the school alone, it was already midnight so most of the students already had probably gone home.

I noticed that it was getting cold here outside and noticing Adora is not wearing something thick since she's just wearing a white dress, I removed my white jacket and wraps it around her before tucking her long hair.

This past few months, our hair has also grown a lot. Her hair became longer and isn't on ponytail anymore, she lets it down now - but her signature hair's poof is still there. Mine has also become longer, and I actually tie it now into a ponytail.

"Thanks." She smiles before kissing me in my cheek causing me to look at her shock and flustered.

In this past months I also started courting her. Of course I had to ask for Razz's blessings that took lots of courage. She did gave me it seeing how much I adore and take care of her granddaughter and of course there's the but's. She said that we can only be together or do couple stuffs after we graduate or more days after that.

So since that we haven't really done anything much - unless the flirting, pinky finger touching, and staring at each other for minutes. It was pain but I can wait for Adora.

So her kissing me in the cheek now is shocking but I'm not complaining.

She chuckles noticing me shock and flustered. "Start getting used to those now."

"W-What do you mean?"

She chuckles before walking towards a telescope nearby. "Come and look."

I walked towards the telescope and looks through it.

I was surprised to see the gang wearing star costumes.

In the middle are Lonnie, Croptop, and Kyle - their costumes has letters and with them three standing next to each other it forms into eys while the others was dancing throwing paper stars everywhere at the backround.

"What in the name of -" I mumbles.

"I'm not as rich as you pulling out a sky writing. But I'm rich enough to treat our friends dinner to do those." Adora snickers.

"They look ridiculous." I laughs. "And eys? What does that mean?"

"What do you mean eys?" I moved aside to let her use the telescope to see. "Of course it's misspelled."

"Why? What does it supposed to spell?" I asks.

She moves aside then smirks at me. "Guess it, ramble the words."

"Okay." I mumbles "So eys, it should be." I thinks. Sye, yse, sey, yes - "Yes? Is it yes?"


"So, yes? Why yes?" I asks.

She smiles at me. "Remember when you got Razz's blessings on courting me and the conditions she said?"

"Yeah, she said we can only be together after we graduate." I says as realization hits me. "So yes, is that a yes that you're finally agreeing to be my girlfriend?"

She nods smiling brightly. "Yes, Catra. I'm officially yours."

Happiness course through my veins as I hugged her tightly then spins her as we both laughs. "Finally! Thank you! Thank you for giving me this chance!"

"And thank you for your patience and your effort on courting me." She says at me helding my face with her both hands as my heart melts.

"For you." I smiles holding her at her waist.

We stare at each other, mesmerising her - seeing how lucky I am finally calling her as my girl.

My eyes drifts at her plump lips, and next thing I knew, we are both leaning towards each other as our lips connected.

It felt perfect, her lips fits into perfectly, this feeling almost my chest exploding is perfect, everything are perfect.

"I love you so much."

"I love you a lot more."

Rockstar in Disguise | CatradoraWhere stories live. Discover now