Chapter 16

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Catra's POV

"And welcome to the playground!" Adora exclaimed while showing me a place that have big set of toys with kids running around playing with those.

In this past month, she's been touring me around their town.

Every Sunday.

She had already showed me the local park, bowling alley, and museum.

It was really fun, sometimes Crop top and Sparkles even joins with us.

And for once in this month, I really feel so happy being with her. Having her showing me around makes me fall for her more - I mean, appreciative to her.

It just sucks that I can't bring the band with me.

"Isn't this for kids or something?" I asks curious since there isn't even any people here on our age, there are adults but they just seems to be only watching the kids here.

"Well today, we'll let out our inner kid outside." Adora grinned cheekily. "Now pick what for you want us to play first."

I sighed then looked around just doing what she says. "What about that slide thing?" I said hesitantly said. "Wait no nevermind, I think we won't fit in there - hey! Stop pushing me Adora!"

"You shouldn't have said that then, now try your first slide!" She laughed pushing me towards the slide as I kept struggling trying to get out of her hold.

"No! I'll probably just get stuck if I slide in there - stop pushing!" I yelled getting pissed as she only laughs more at my reaction and continues.

I swear if this is other person doing this to me, my fist is already at their face.

She's lucky I... Like her.

We reached the slide and saw some kids playing in there and when they're all done sliding, she pushed me to climb in, but of course I resisted.

"Oh come on! Don't be such a kill joy!" She said.

"Well what about you!? Why don't you go there instead of me!?" I argued.

"I just want you to try it out." She whined. "If I slide there with you, will you go?"

I hesitated.

"Fine." I says.

"Great! Now climb in!" She instructed pushing me again.

"Jeez, calm down lady." I groaned finally climbing as she follows me.

We both positioned ourselves in the slide, I'm the one who's in the front and she's on the back. And I swear I've never felt so embarrassed in my life since I saw many kids and some adults looking at us weirdly.

"Hey, don't mind them." I heard her saying while leaning closely making me feel her body on my back as I feel myself tensing up with my cheeks burning. "Just focus, what you're about to experience is gonna be a blast!"

I only chuckled at her enthusiastic behaviour.

She pushed us both making us slide down, the slide isn't that tall so not even a second later, we're already at the ground.

"Wow." I mumbled after a moment of silence. "So much blast I just felt right there."

She hits my shoulder lightly then laughs making me laughs aswell. "Well at least you finally tried your first slide."

I was about to say something when I felt Adora fell on me.

I turned around seeing Adora pins me with a kid apologising saying she didn't saw us.

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