Chapter 24

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Adora's POV:

I sighs for the eight time, people who's here around might honestly think I have an asthma or something.

It's been a week since the incident in the school happend, and they announced that there'll be no classes for a month because of all the damages that's been done at our school.

That Hordak has also been thrown in jail for life, polices didn't announced on public why. But all I know is that he blackmailed Glimmer's Mom for the school and attempted to kill Casper.

Speaking of Casper, I haven't seen her ever since the incident. When I woke up from the hospital, she wasn't on her bed - well I was on it. And Lonna, Kyla, and Rogelia told me that they'll be away for awhile with Casper. They never said the reason why but I really miss her already and also very worried for her because she almost got killed and she just gotten out of hospital that day.

For now I'm all alone because Glimmer is busy at the court for her incident before with Bow coming along with her for support.

I wanted to come along aswell but Glimmer told me to just rest at home because of all the events that has happend.

"So bored." I mumbles groaning.

I heard the doorbell outside making me stand up and to look from the window to see a limo outside.

"What the heck." I mumbles before going at our front door

I opens the door and there I saw Catra Weaver standing wearing a small smirk.

"What are you doing here?" I asked shock that she's here.

It's been so long since I've seen her, I honestly had forgotten about her already because of the events that's happening.

"I want to propose you something." Catra says. "But before that, can you let me in?"

I glared at her. I still haven't forgotten the day she almost embarassed me in front of the whole world. I'm lucky I can sing.

"No -" I was about to slam the door in her face when she held it then came in herself.

"Thank you, it's a miracle that you have manners in your body." She teased.

"Get out." I says to her.

"I don't want to." She even sits in the couch with a teasing smile.

"I'll call the polices on you." I threatened her. "I don't care if you're a famous celebrity -"

"That's good that you finally know who I am." She says. "You can also have my autograph since you now know that I'm a famous celebrity as you say."

I clenched my fists now fully pissed off at her. "Get out - !"

"I want you to join The Horde." She cuts me off.

I stared at her shock. "W-What?"

"Damn, mad girl. Before we met you only had an eye problem, now ears too?" She fake gasps making my anger came back again.

"Why do you want me to join your band? Is it starting to get unfortunate? It's probably because there's a lunatic lady in there." I teases her back sitting on a couch in front of her.

"Mad girl, our band will never have unfortune unlike you who have tons of it." She continues to tease me. "Alright let's end this bickering, you look like you're gonna wrestle someone."

"Yes, and that someone is you."

"I want you to join the band because after I pulled you in stage, everyone liked it." She said.

"Then pull more people in stage with you." I smiled sarcastically. "Problem solved now get out."

"I only want you." She says. Her tone not teasing this time, it's more like she's serious. She must noticed me looking at her shock and flustered as she clears her throat. "I-I mean, lots of people wants you. They really loved your voice."

I cleared my throat. "I can't, I'm busy, I have school."

"No you dont." She said. "Your school is dismissed for a month isn't it?"

"How did you know? Are you stalking me?"

"Of course, I had to. I need to check if you're not completely mad can I?" She's back at teasing again making me glare at her.

"No, I'm not joining your band." I smirks. "Unless you kneel in front of me."

"I will only do that when I propose to you for marriage." She smirks making my eyes widens again.

D-Did she just flirted at me!?

"Aw, mad girl, did you just expect that I will really do that?" She laughs at me as I glares at her again. "Seriously though, this will be a big help for both of us. It'll cause my band to have more popularity, while you will earn cash. It can help your grandma, especially your brother to stop working."

"How did you -"

"As I said I did some investigation on you." She said shamelessly. "Don't you want for him to continue college? For him to stop working?"

That made me silent as I looked away from her.

"How much is the payment?" I asked.

She smiles at me. "A thousand dollars per concert."

My eyes widened. "A-A thousand?"

"Yup, and all you have to do is sing, not such a bad deal don't you think?" She says. "So are you in?"

I sighs. "Even if its against my will to work with you." I said dramatically making her frown. "I'm in, for my family."

She smiles. "Good, now get in the limo. Our rehearsal starts now."


"Damn, is your ear problem getting worse - Ow! Who says that you're allowed to hit me?"

"Well we are both equal now since we're both members of The Horde. So I can hit you anytime I want."

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