Chapter 27

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Catra's POV:

I laid on my bed resting.

It's been almost a month and we've been doing a lot of concerts and training.

It's been awhile since I felt this alive while rehearsing and doing concerts.

And its all because Adora is here with me.

"Cat!" The door was slammed open revealing Lonnie.


"DT has an announcement to make! And there's new people downstairs!"

"Don't care."

"One of those new people is flirting with Adora!"

I sits up then walks out of the room with Lonnie. "Where are they."

"Darling! You're finally here!" DT said as I met them downstairs. "Meet our collaborators! The Crimson Waste! They're also a group of singers from States!"

I looked at them and they were two boys and one girl who actually looks like a boy because of her muscular body and the way she dresses.

She seems the one who Lonnie was pertaining to, because she's standing close to Adora right now while they talk to each other.

"Everyone! I'd like you to meet the Catra Weaver!" DT announces to them as their attentions lifted to me except for Adora and that girl she's talking to.

"Catra Weaver! I'm a really big fan of yours!" The boys squeals.

I approached Adora and pulls her to me as I looked at the girl she's talking to. "Might want to introduce yourselves?"

"Oh yeah, sorry I didn't notice you Catra." She clears her throat. "I'm Huntara, the leader of our band and the lead singer. And that is Gayle, the brunette one. He's our guitarist. And that is Lucas, the black haired one. He's our drummer."

"Why do we need collaborators if we already can do what they can do?" I asks DT.

"Its to merge each others fans and audience." DT says. "Like for example, some of Crimson Waste fans doesn't listen to The Horde's music. And with this collab. They will start to listen to The Horde's music and will even become a fan because it was featured with their idols. Same to the Crimson Waste."

"Yup, and don't worry, we will do boost The Horde's popularity more. We're quite famous ourselves. You must heard of us before?" Huntara brags.

"Not at all really." I said as the room became awkwardly silent.

"Your name is Gayle right? What if your a lesbian does that make your name Lesbianle?" Lonnie tries to make a joke to make the situation lighten up.

Rogelio and Kyle fake laughs at her lame joke.

"So should we start to write the song now?" Adora changes the topic. "What'll be the theme?"

"About romance and jealousy." DT answered. "Main reason why I picked Crimson Waste to be our collab is because your group is literally perfect for my plan."

"And what is your plan?"

"We can create a drama that Huntara likes Adora and wants to torn Catradora. And there jealousy jealousy jealousy to Catra! We can also make it looks like Gayle likes Catra. And there jealousy jealousy jealousy to Adora!" DT plans. "People loves drama, next thing you knew they'll edit you on tiktok with a jealousy song in the backround."

"What about me." Lucas says.

"DT you must forgotten that we're on a music band. Not on a k drama." I deadpan.

"What about me." Lucas says.

DT walked towards me with a smirk. "You weren't complaining when it was just you and Adora." They whispered making my cheeks heated up as they pulled away. "Alright, go write a song at the lobby, troup!" DT says.

"Hey, what about me."


"You're not even writing anything." Rogelio noticed me.

Kyle laughs. "She just keeps glaring at Adora and Huntara."

"That jealousy act that DT was talking wouldn't be too hard for you because you don't even have to act, Cat." Lonnie snickers.

"Shut up." I mumbled.

I looked towards them again to see them enjoying talking to each other while writing.

I just want you to know
that I really get jealous when
someone else has your attention.

I heard a song from Lonnie's phone as she snickers with Rogelio and Kyle.

I death glares at them as they stops.

I sighs. "This is unfair. She's our member. Not theirs. Why is she with them?"

I still get jealous
You're to sexy, beautiful
And everyone wants a taste.

Another song that played on Lonnie's phone with their mix of laughter as I clenched my fists in annoyance.

I sighs again when I see Adora and Huntara laughing to each other. "We've been with each other for almost a month already, and I still haven't seen her laugh like that to me." I mumbles. "And they both just met."

That should be me, holding your hand
That should be me, making you laugh
That should be me, this is so sad.

I snapped as I grabbed Lonnie's phone then throws it at the wall causing it to break.

"My baby!" Lonnie cries then runs to her phone that's broken in pieces.

The noises made The Crimson Waste band and Adora to look at us in confusion as I looked away from them, ignoring their stares.

"You're wondering why Adora's not like that to you. It's because you keep on annoying and bantering with her." Rogelio says. "Whilst Huntara is sweet to her."

"It's because I don't want to come out suspicious, we met pissed off to each other. So that's what I should I act." I explains.

"Well you already did." Rogelio says. "So the next thing you should do now is to show her your real intentions."

I nodded at what he says while hearing Lonnie's whale like cry.

"I have a plan for that but first let's buy Lonnie a new phone."

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