30-Love at First Potion

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I ate my eggs as I looked at the daily prophet, shaking my head at the list of muggles and wizards that have died this past week, and I couldn't shake the fear that I am more likely to now see someone I know. I can feel the war crawling up our backs ready to suffocate us, as if under the control of a trigger. The worst part is waiting for it to finally happen. I looked up at Sirius, sitting across from me. He smiled when I looked up because I caught him staring.

"What? Is there something on my face?" I asked in confusion, putting my fork down and touching my cheek. He shook his head, admiration in his eyes.

"I was just looking at you and I thought... well, how did I get so lucky?" He chuckled until he realized what he said and he coughed slightly. "I mean, lucky to be your friend" he nodded, blushing slightly, but the smirk remained on his face.

"I'm... just eating my eggs" I softly laughed at him.

"And you're cute when you eat them" he smiled genuinely again. We stared at each other for a while, both thinking about similar things, most likely.

"Hey! Are you guys ready for today? We're gonna get Remus and Peter good for pranking us with that stupid muggle stuff" James walked over and placed his hand on Sirius' shoulder as he sat across from me and next to him. It seemed to take everything for me to look away from Sirius and over to James, but I finally did and nodded to him.

"Yeah, this is gonna be great" I cleared my throat and looked down at my food, seeing Sirius still staring at me from the corner of my eye. I smiled to myself and tried not to look back up at him.

"Uh, you okay mate?" James smiled knowingly at Sirius. Sirius nodded his head, still not taking his eyes off of me as he tried to hide his own smile.

"Yeah, never better" He replied. I finally gave in and looked up at him, feeling a specific excitement that made me bite my lip impulsively.

"Wow... You can actually feel the sexual tension" James nodded, looking back and forth between me and Sirius. I pulled my eyes away and blushed, slightly embarrassed for being so obvious. Sighing, I continued to finish my eggs. Sirius wasn't smiling anymore as he shook his head at James.

"Real nice mate. Thanks for that" he rolled his eyes sarcastically and James shrugged.

"Sorry. That must have ruined the moment" he sighed. "Well anyway, we gotta lure Remus and Peter into the boy's bathroom" James nodded "and it's gotta happen today. We can't let them prank us again"

"I didn't realize we were a team in this war now" I raised an eyebrow at him. James has been talking about ways we could get back at Remus and Peter for the prank they pulled on the train back to school last week. Since today is a Saturday I guess it's time for his plan to be put into action.

"We need allies, people! Of course, when it comes down to it, allies can betray each other. So I would keep your guards up if I were you. You two did prank me along with Remus and Peter, after all..." he warned.

"Is that a threat?" I pushed and Sirius cut me off.

"Ok we can do this whole 'questioning our alliance' thing later, what we need to figure out is how we're going to get Moony and Wormtail into the boy's bathroom while it's empty. I mean we can't exactly have there be other people in there when we drop the bomb on them" he pointed out.

"I thought you guys were prank masters, how have you not thought of this yet?" I asked in confusion.

"Remus and Peter have known us since year one. They know every one of our tricks, so we need to do something different this time, and we need to be extra careful. That's your advantage in this war Estella, none of us know your weaknesses or strengths too well" James explained and I nodded, thinking to myself. I looked around the great hall, hoping to find inspiration when I saw the bloody Baron floating past the doorway out in the hall. That's when I got my idea and smiled at them.

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