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I once again found myself studying in the great hall with Sirius. It has been a few days since the full moon, and Remus is almost fully himself again. He has come to terms with me being part of their little group, and I'm glad. I know it's hard for him to let people in.

I looked across from me at Sirius as he studied. I still never told him how I felt, even though the girls keep pestering me about it. After everything that happened with Remus and the full moon, I just figured there were more pressing matters at hand. I bit my lip, figuring now was probably the perfect time to finally tell him. I cleared my throat, grabbing his attention.

"What's up?" He asked, finishing up whatever sentence he was on in his transfiguration paper. I opened my mouth but no words came out, so I took a deep breath and tried to start again.

"Um... you know how I wanted to talk to you a few days ago? How I wanted to apologize for everything?" I asked slowly. He seemed to know where I was going with this, and he scratched the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Uh, yeah... about that... I'm sorry I was being so rude to you. I just..." He sighed, not being able to find the words. "It's so embarrassing, but I've never felt this way before, you know? I've never felt like this about anyone. I don't really know how to deal with it I guess..." He trailed off. I felt a little bit of relief, comforted by the fact that the two of us felt the same way.

"I know how you feel..." I responded, and this seemed to pique his interest.

"You do?" He shook his head in confusion.

"I don't know what I feel for you Sirius, but I feel something. I just... I guess I don't quite know how to deal with it either" I shrugged. "I just wanted you to know though... and I hope we can remain friends..." I bit my lip as I watched his face fall a little bit at the word "friends".

"Yea, yea of course. Friends is good with me" he nodded, leaning back a bit. "For now" he smirked and I squinted my eyes at him, smiling.

"Don't push it" I pointed my quill at him before shaking my head and returning to my work. Then something else popped into my head. "By the way, why did you stop being mad at me? After everything happened with Remus you just pretended none of that other stuff the night before ever happened it seemed" I questioned. Sirius sighed, running his hand through his hair.

"I... I saw you in danger that night. Moony was about to attack you and... I don't know, I guess I just realized that I didn't want to waste my time being mad at you. You mean too much to me" He shrugged, and I smiled, a blush creeping up on my cheeks. "As a friend though" He teased, and this time I crumpled up a piece of parchment and threw it at him. We both laughed it off and then continued our work in peace. I felt as if a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. Sirius and I were friends again, even with our feelings out in the open. I may have to deal with some flirtatious teasing once in a while, but Sirius is known for that. It'll all be okay.

I went to take a sip of my tea, but the second my lips made contact with the cup it transformed into a mouth and bit my nose. I yelped, dropping the cup on the floor and grabbing my nose. The cup shattered and tea got all over the bench next to me, but thankfully I somehow avoided drenching my homework and school robes. I heard laughter coming from in front of me and I looked up to see Sirius cracking up.

"Can never be too careful when in a prank war!" He exclaimed, holding his stomach as he laughed.

"You call that a prank? Anyone can go to Zonkos and buy a nose-biting teacup!" I exclaimed, letting go of my nose. This made Sirius laugh even more.

"Your nose is so red!" He exclaimed.

"Pathetic" I shook my head, picking up my quill and preparing to continue my work, completely unbothered. "I'll show you what a real prank is soon enough" I smirked, and he shook his head, clearly not taking me seriously. Little does he know...

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