15-Pranking the Pranksters

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The great hall is always quiet on Saturday mornings. Normally it's only me and a few other students who get up early for breakfast. Even the professor's table is mostly vacant. I suppose everyone likes to sleep in on the weekends.

I sat in the middle of the almost empty Gryffindor table with a box and wrapping paper out in front of me. Lily's birthday is tomorrow and I want to be prepared. This is my first close friend that I've had to celebrate a birthday with, so I had to get her a nice gift. Now I just had to figure out how to wrap it. I could always use a spell, but lately, I've been trying to cut back on using spells for normal, everyday things. The worst part about that is actually having to do my hair in the morning instead of just waving my wand and being ready to go.

I had already cut a large piece of the wrapping paper and I was now trying to fold it correctly over the rectangular box. I got Lily a really nice quill that never runs out of ink. It was somewhat expensive, but I never buy myself things in Hogsmeade or anything so I figured I could spend some of my money on a nice gift for her.

The silence in the great hall was suddenly disturbed by someone shouting my name. I spun around to see all four of the so-called "marauders" strolling in led by Sirius who was walking towards me with a huge smile on his face. Remus, Peter, and James all sat across from me while Sirius sat beside me.

"How are you doing this fine morning?" Sirius asked as he grabbed some toast. I raised my eyebrows at them, shocked that they were so cheery at such an early hour.

"It was very peaceful before you lot showed up," I joked, going back to wrapping the present for Lily.

"Peacefulness is overrated" Sirius shrugged as he ate his food, the other boys nodding while also chewing.

"Why are you all up so early on a weekend anyway?" I questioned, slightly suspicious.

"Early bird catches the worm!" James exclaimed. I squinted my eyes at all of them before resting them on Peter who squirmed a little under my gaze.

"Fine, don't tell me" I rolled my eyes, continuing my attempt at wrapping the present again.

"What are you trying to do exactly?" Remus asked, watching as I wrapped the box in the paper crookedly.

"Trying to wrap this stupid gift" I huffed, dropping the paper and watching as it fell and flattened itself on the table again. "It's for Lily"

"What did you get her?" Sirius questioned. I opened the box and pulled out the quill. It had a dark feather and a golden handle and tip with small designs carved into it.

"It's an infinite ink quill. It never runs out" I shrugged. Sirius held his hand out to me and I handed it to him so he could have a look. "If you dent the feather I will not hesitate to hex you" I pointed a finger at him. He simply rolled his eyes and smirked as he examined the quill. After a moment he shrugged and handed it back, exchanging a mischievous look with James. I narrowed my eyes at them again in suspicion before putting the quill back in the box.

"If you want to wrap it properly I could help you" Remus piped up. I nodded quickly, passing him the box and all the supplies.

"Please! I really cannot understand how muggles do this without magic. It seems so tedious" I shook my head.

"Good thing you all have a half-blood in your midst" Remus joked as he folded the paper over the box neatly and taped it down.

"Now, without changing the subject again, tell me what you are all doing here so early in the morning on a Saturday" I gave the rest of the boys a pointed look.

"Well, if you must know, today is a big day for us" Sirius nodded, his usual smirk on his face.

"Yup! We are fully dedicating the day to pulling pranks on everyone. Gotta get an early start of course. You better be careful around us" James added.

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