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It's been three months.

Three months since Sirius and I fought. Three months since he officially joined the order. Three months of tension between the two of us.

I hated it. I hated living this way, and I missed my best friend. I worked at Hogwarts all day every day, and he did work for the order. He never told me about what he was doing out of fear that I would blow up again. I felt awful that he didn't feel comfortable telling me these things, but I also didn't want him participating in them in the first place. I just wish he could see how worried I've been.

It was now October and I just got back from work after a long week. Teaching was more difficult than I thought it would be. I suddenly had a great deal of respect for the professors at Hogwarts. I hoped it would be a distraction for me, and while it takes my mind off the war, it doesn't help with my situation with Sirius. The halls of that school just remind me so much of him. Especially when I spend so much time in the astronomy tower...

I use the floo network to get in between Hogwarts and my home, and when I walked out of the fireplace I was surprised to see Sirius sitting in the living room. He was usually out all night doing business for the order.

"Oh... hi" I greeted him, and he looked up at me.

"Hey" He gave a half-hearted smile. I paused for a moment, not sure how to proceed. I decided to sit beside him on the couch. He seemed to stiffen, unsure if I wanted to be close to him or not.

"Is... everything okay?" I asked, knowing him too well to know something was off.

"Well... Something happened today and... I'm sorry, I know you don't like to hear about this..." He trailed off, looking away from me. I sighed and placed a hand on his shoulder. He looked at me in surprise.

"Sirius, I know I can't stop you from doing this, but I want to know if something happens. I want you to be able to trust me" I admitted. "I'm sorry for ever making you feel like you couldn't."

"It's not that I didn't trust you, I just didn't want to upset you..." He shook his head. "But we were on a mission today... just stealth stuff. It was me, Moony, Dorcas, and Frank. Dorcas and Moony have been getting on great, you know? Really picking up where they left off before she graduated. But we were in knockturn ally, and the folks there weren't too happy to see Remus now that most people know about his... condition. Even the folk that roam around down there weren't too happy about him being amongst them. Werewolves are usually universally unaccepted. Well... I could tell it bothered him. And someone tried to get in our way... get in his way" Sirius clenched his fists. He pointed his wand at Remus and threatened him. Dorcas tried to step in but he slapped her across the face and she fell. That's when I stepped in and...." He shook his head.

"Sirius, what is it?" I pressed, worried.

"No one got hurt. I scared him off. But that was the closest we have come to confrontation so far, and all I could think about was you. What would happen to you if I got hurt. How would you feel? And I just knew I didn't want to fight with you anymore. I couldn't handle it if something happened to me or you and we were at a bad place, unable to work through it." He admitted. I couldn't help but smile at him.

"I feel the same way. I'm so sorry for trying to keep you from helping with the war I just... I'm so worried about you constantly..." I trailed off, my voice cracking. Sirius pulled me into a hug, and it felt so amazing to be in his arms again. "Next time we fight can we promise to not be so passive-aggressive?" I sniffled and he laughed, hugging me closer.

"I think I can manage that" He smiled down at me. I looked into his eyes and leaned up to kiss him, happy that we were finally okay again.

"How is Sadie doing at school?" Sirius asked once we pulled away. I smiled up at him.

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