20-Single on Valentine's Day

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Valentines Day always seemed like a stupid holiday to me. At Beauxbatons all the girls would fawn over small valentines they received in the mail from summer romances or boyfriends back home. I, of course, was never included in this. Therefore I never celebrated it. I always treated it as any other day and after a few years, I almost forgot it existed. That wouldn't be so easy this year.

I had woken up that Monday morning to Marlene, Lily, and Alice all giddy with excitement. I ignored them all though, already knowing they probably had some special plans for the day. Lily was most likely looking forward to seeing James. The anticipation to see if he would do anything for valentines day was probably killing her, even though I'm sure he did something every year for her. Alice has Frank now of course, so I wouldn't be surprised if we didn't see her for the rest of the day. Marlene, on the other hand, had so many boys throwing themselves at her feet she didn't even have to try to get a date. Meanwhile, my love life was so complicated and confusing I just wanted to forget about it altogether.

At breakfast, the boys were all missing, which had me somewhat worried. Now that I was part of the group I would have thought they would include me in things. Part of me is scared that they are planning something that they don't want me to know about...

I sat in potions first period and waited for class to start. I wouldn't help but notice none of the boys had shown up yet, and the class was about to begin. Just as I was about to lose hope in them, they ran into class seconds before the bell rang. Peter came and took his usual seat next to me, Remus sat behind us, and James and Sirius sat in their seats a row over from us.

"Where on earth have you guys been?" I whispered to Peter as Slughorn started class.

"James refused to go down to breakfast this morning. He was too afraid of seeing Lily" peter shrugged, and I looked over at Sirius patting James on the back as he sulked.

"Why in the name of Merlin is he sacred? Lily has been looking forward to today for weeks" I shook my head as I whispered to Peter. He shrugged.

"I dunno. I think that's why. He's not sure if or when he should start making it clear he likes her again because when he used to do that she would get mad at him" Peter replied.

"I'll have to have a talk with him after class" I shook my head, bringing my attention back to Slughorn.

"I know today is Valentine's day, but I encourage you all to focus on your studies while in class. Your exams are right around the corner, and we don't need any distractions" Slughorn explained, and just as he finished a note flew across the room and landed on my desk. I stared at it in confusion before looking over at Sirius who was smirking. I went to pick it up but Slughorn beat me to it. "If Mr. Black is so keen on sending notes in class, he wouldn't mind if I read this aloud to everyone, hmm?" Slughorn asked, picking up the paper that was folded up into an airplane. I gave Sirius a confused look but he looked like he was about to burst out laughing. Slughorn unfolded the paper and dropped it immediately when it started shouting at him.

"ESTELLA PLEASE BE MY VALENTINE I'LL GIVE YOU CHOCOLATES I PROMISE" It screamed before bursting into flames. I let a small laugh escape my mouth as I stared at the ashes in amazement. I turned to Sirius with a smile on my face and he made a heart with his hands. I rolled my eyes and shook my head, turning back to a very uncomfortable-looking Slughorn. The laughter in the room died down and he spoke up again.

"Well then... remember everyone, no distractions!" He coughed awkwardly, turning back to the front of the room to start the lesson. I bit my lip to contain the rest of my laughter, and I made eye contact with Sirius again. He was smiling as well, clearly trying to stay quiet. James hit him in the back of the head to get his attention and he pulled his eyes away from me to give James a confused look. James just smirked and shook his head at him, and I saw Sirius mouth 'what?' I sighed and looked down at my notebook, ignoring the awkward glances Peter gave me and the small blush on his cheeks. I didn't need his little crush to weigh on my mind now too.

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