4-"Blind" Date

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I was on my way to potions on Friday, the last day of our first week in Hogwarts. So far I've warmed up to the place, along with the teachers and students in it. It hasn't been nearly as bad as the girls at my old school made it out to be. Although, most of them have never come here before. They just spread rumors.

As I was walking out of the great hall from breakfast, I saw Sadie talking to Sirius in the hallway. Curiosity getting the best of me, I walked over to them and interrupted.

"Hey, what are you two talking about?" I raised an eyebrow, cutting Sirius off mid-sentence. He smiled lazily at me.

"Oh, Sadie here was just thanking me for giving you two that owl. It's nice to know that your sister has some manners. I'm guessing she doesn't get that from you" he said casually as if he didn't just insult me. I squinted my eyes at him and then turned to Sadie.

"Well, if you've said your thanks then we should get going. Don't want to be late for class now do we?" I asked her. She opened her mouth to protest but I grabbed her arm and pulled her away from him. 

"Bye Sirius!" She called back, then started walking with me so I didn't have to pull her along anymore. "Why did you do that? I like talking to Sirius!" She asked, obviously aggravated.

"I just don't like Sirius alright? I don't want you getting involved with him. He's a trouble maker and he's up to no good" I scolded her.

"Why don't you like him? What's he done to us besides be incredibly nice?" She argued and I thought for a moment.

"I've just heard bad rumors about him. He gets close to people then messes with them. He's a trickster and I don't want you to go and trust him just to end up hurt" I explained to her, my tone a little too harsh

"Whatever" she spat at me, then turned around and continued walking the other way.

"Wait, I'll walk to class with you!" I called back to her, and she faced me again.

"My class is this way, I have care of magical creatures" she gave me an annoyed look, then left down the hall. I frowned and continued on my way to potions class. Stupid little sisters. Stupid Sirius. Stupid school. Stupid everything.

I grudgingly walked to class all the way down in the dungeons. What a depressing start to the day. I'm basically in the basement.

'Snap out of it Estella' I told myself. 'Don't let Sirius get into your head. That's just what he wants' because the truth is if Sirius wasn't in any of my classes I might feel much happier right now.

I arrived in class right on time and took my usual seat in the back where I normally sat with Peter, but he wasn't there yet. Neither was Remus James or Sirius. I shook my head and waited for professor Slughorn to start the class, not wanting to dwell on the four boys or what they might be up to.

"Good morning everyone, I trust you all got a good night's rest. Today we will be working on the blood-replenishing potion. Does anyone know what this potion is used for?" He asked the class and no one raised their hands, seeing as it was early and basically everyone still wanted to be sleeping in bed. I gently raised my hand high into the air. "Well, don't jump to answer all at once" he joked to the class, then turned to me and nodded. I put my hand down and answered his question.

"The blood-replenishing potion basically does exactly what the name describes. It replenishes blood lost from an injury" I explained and he beamed at me, nodding.

"Very good, ten points to Gryffindor" he smiled, eyeing me with what seemed to be interest and then walking around the class again. "I will be assigning you all partners—" he started to say but was cut off by the groaning of all the other students. I bit my lip and held back my annoyance. I hate working with other people, I work so much better alone.

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