23-The Wedding

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"Do you know what you'll be wearing to the wedding yet?" Marlene asked me about the wedding for what felt like the thousandth time. "It's going to be the pureblood event of the year. You have to look incredible"

"Nope, haven't given it much thought" I sighed, looking out the window of the Hogwarts express, trying to ignore her constant pestering. We were on our way home for Easter break, where Lily and I would be attending the Lestrange wedding with the other marauders.

"Leave the poor thing alone Marlene, you've been talking about the wedding the entire train ride" Alice shook her head, not even looking up from the daily prophet in her hands.

"This is probably one of the most important events Lily and Estella will ever go to! Besides their own weddings of course. They have to be properly dressed! I trust Lily to make an effort but Estella on the other hand..." Marlene trailed off, giving me a pointed look.

"Hey! That isn't fair, I've certainly learned a thing or two about fashion from all the times you've had to dress me!" I exclaimed, trying to defend myself.

"Don't worry Marls, I'll make sure her outfit lives up to your expectations" Lily giggled. "She can always borrow one of my dresses of course"

"You guys give me no credit. I have gotten much better at dressing myself over the last few months. If you remember correctly, I used to only wear jumpers and t-shirts." I rolled my eyes. "Look at me now" I motioned to my outfit. I was wearing loose high-waisted jeans paired with a form-fitting striped sweater, a black belt, and my usual high-top converse.

"Alright, I'll admit you've improved quite a lot, but you still need help in the dresses department." Marlene shook her head. "I don't think I've ever seen you wear a dress and not complain."

"Maybe because I hate them" I grumbled, sulking in my seat. To be honest I wasn't looking forward to this wedding. I was afraid to be surrounded by Sirius' family because He tried so hard to hide them from me. I was afraid to be around so many purebloods who would hate me if they knew I was a Cullen, the granddaughter of a metamorphmagus. It wouldn't matter to them that I'm also pure-blooded because I have the metamorphmagus trait. Somehow that makes me tainted, no longer pure in their eyes. I couldn't care less about it, but I'd rather not be made the center of attention if I can avoid it.

"Do you think Sirius will ask you to dance?" Marlene grinned at me. I blushed a little, butterflies filling my stomach at the thought.

"Hopefully not" I sighed, looking back out the window.

"What? Why not" Marlene asked.

"Because I just want to be his friend! We've been over this" I shook my head, looking over to her again. "I want to avoid all romantic interaction with him, but if he asks me to dance I'm afraid I won't be able to say no at the moment" I blushed harder, thinking about all the times Sirius and I have wound up in romantic situations and how I wasn't able to resist him.

"You should really stop fighting this feeling and just go with it Estella" Alice piped up again, still only half paying attention as she read the paper.

"Honestly. We know you like him, Estella. Even he knows you like him" Lily added.

"I know I like him, the thing is I don't want to!" I exclaimed, frustrated because they didn't understand.

"Why not?" Marlene asked, confused as to why I didn't want to be with one of the best-looking guys in our year.

"I'm in school! School isn't for daydreaming about boys all day, it's about learning new things; getting good grades so that you have a bright future!"

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