28-Our Last Summer

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I hope you are well and having a pleasant last few weeks of summer break. I so wish all of us girls could have gotten together this summer, but as you know I've been in Paris with my family. I miss you all more and more every day. I'm glad I have Kace with me though. We've been getting in a load of trouble lately, and have grown even closer. I know you know this already, but Kace revealed his sexuality to me just last week and I actually burst into tears. Happy tears of course! I was so thankful that he felt comfortable telling me that news, and I'm hopeful that our family will accept him as well whenever he is ready to tell them. In other news, I recently tried out modeling in Paris. You know me, I love having my picture taken. Anyways, I truly loved it! This may possibly be where I take my life after Hogwarts. Write back soon so I receive your letter before school starts! You'll have to tell me all about your stay at the Potter's and what's happening between you and Sirius!

Much love,


P.S. I met a really nice french boy who drew a picture of me! I made copies and put one in the envelope for you to see. I really know how to wrap these men around my finger!

I smiled to myself as I read the letter over again while also looking at the sketch of Marlene

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I smiled to myself as I read the letter over again while also looking at the sketch of Marlene. I had replied to her earlier this week, but I just missed her and my other friends so much that it was nice seeing the familiar handwriting and hearing her voice in my head.

"Estella, ready to go?" Sirius popped his head into my room. I'm currently staying at the Potter's house for a week, as Marlene mentioned in her letter. We have a few weeks left of summer before school starts, and I'm glad to finally be out of my house.

"Yeah, let's go," I told him as I put the letter down on the bed and stood up.

"You're wearing that?" He asked, scrunching up his face as he looked at my outfit. I was wearing a short-sleeved white t-shirt and high-waisted colorful shorts. I gave him a quizzical look. "Where's your bathing suit?"

"I... Don't have one..." I trailed off as if it were obvious. I could have sworn I had told Sirius this before... "I don't know how to swim, remember?" I questioned. Sirius' jaw dropped slightly.

"That's right! I have to teach you how to swim today! I'm sure mum will have a swimsuit for you to borrow, I'll be back" He nodded, referring to James' mum, before walking away from the door and down the hallway.

I was staying in the guest bedroom by myself at James' house. That's the perk of being the only girl in the friend group I suppose. Sirius usually slept in here, but now James and Sirius shared James' bedroom and Remus and Peter occupied the den downstairs on a fold-out couch. I felt guilty taking this entire room to myself, and I offered to take the den, but Mrs. Potter insisted. She also refused to have me sleep with any of the boys in my room, so this seemed to be the only option. Sirius was back in less than a minute.

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