13-A Very Sirius Christmas

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Christmas at Hogwarts is nothing short of extraordinary. The decorations, the food, the atmosphere, it all adds to the anticipation everyone feels for the holidays and, most importantly, winter break. That is, almost everyone.

Lily, Marlene, Alice, and I all sat in the great hall in our usual spots at the end of term Christmas feast, however for the first time we were actually joined by none other than the marauders. The girls knew of my new budding friendship with Sirius, and it sure has been raising the eyebrows of other students, but our two groups sitting together at this table is almost unheard of.

"So, is everyone going home for the holidays then?" Remus piped up, looking around at our little group.

"Yeah, all the family is coming over" Peter nodded as he shoved some more food into his mouth. I grimaced at the boy's appetite, wondering how such a small, short boy could hold so much food. Peter noticed my discomfort with his eating habits and his face flushed red. He immediately swallowed and wiped his face with a napkin, taking care to be a little neater with his eating. I felt slightly bad about making my opinion so obvious to him but the boy has been eating non-stop for half an hour now. I'm pretty sure his robes are made up of more food stains than fabric at this point.

"Of course I'm going home. What about you, Moony?" James asked.

"Yes, my parents insist. Are, uh, you staying here, Padfoot?" Remus asked tentatively, and I looked to Sirius with a curious glance. He looked a little taken back by the question as if Remus should know the answer, and I could also spot a hint of embarrassment in his eyes.

"Yea-" He started but James cut him off.

"No, Sirius is going home too. Mum and dad have already put up his Christmas stocking." James nodded as if this was common knowledge. I looked around and it seemed everyone understood what was happening except for me. Sirius smiled at his friend before continuing to pick at the food remaining on his plate.

"I'm going home. I can't wait for the holidays" Alice smiled to herself.

"I'm sure that has nothing to do with the fact that Frank lives ten minutes away from you" Marlene rolled her eyes.

"Marlene!" Alice exclaimed in a shrill voice, looking at her with wide eyes, looking towards the boys in embarrassment, and then back down at her plate.

"Oh please Alice, it's no secret that you and Longbottom are madly in love" Sirius rolled his eyes.

"We are not madly in love! We're... just friends" she huffed, moving some peas around her plate with her fork.

"Ouch, wait till I tell him he just got friend-zoned" Sirius quipped back. Alice gave him a look that could kill but luckily James jumped in and saved the conversation.

"Alright, alright, Lily, what are you doing for the holidays?" He asked. Marlene rolled her eyes at this as well, seeing as James and Lily seem to have gotten much closer lately. It's no surprise that something is going on between the two, I just wish they would talk to us about it.

"I'll be home with my family as well. I can't wait to go home and tell mum and dad all about the last few months. They love hearing about the wizarding world" She smiled.

"Well, If anyone cares I will also be going home and spending time with the family" Marlene jumped in, taking a sip from her goblet.

"And you Estella?" Sirius asked me from across the table.

However, I had only been half paying attention to the conversation because I was too busy watching Kurt and Snape at the Slytherin table, just waiting for them to get their dessert. Ever since they messed with Sadie a few days ago I've been doing everything in my power to get back at them for it, that is, without getting myself expelled.

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