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It's been a week since the full moon and Remus still refuses to speak to me. I felt so horrible for him, but I wish he would let me try to help him. I knew it would take a while for me to gain his trust, but I'm beginning to get frustrated... If only I hadn't messed up the last full moon...

Sirius was fine now after I made him a potion that aided the healing process for his back. We never talked about that night again, not even the small kiss we shared that was interrupted. It didn't seem to matter though. We both knew how the other felt, and that was that. We were still friends. Small incidents like that didn't need any explanation anymore, but they definitely needed to be avoided at all costs.

I now sat in the common room with James, Sirius, and Peter as we all did our homework. I decided to try and force them to study with me at least once a week. Now that we were friends I thought it was my responsibility to make sure they didn't flunk out of school.

"Do you guys think Remus will ever talk to me again?" I huffed, asking them about Remus for probably the hundredth time that day.

"Estella, as we have said countless times before, Remus does not hate you. He just needs his space right now" James shook his head, returning to his work.

"But he won't even look at me anymore! He's also avoiding me at all costs. I just want to talk to him..." I trailed off, pouting a bit.

"Estella really, just give him some time. He hasn't had an incident like that in a long time. It's gotta be really hard for him" Sirius piped up, not even looking up from his potions homework I was meant to be helping him with. "Now will you please tell me to write this essay on amortentia?" He groaned slightly. "I can't believe Slughorn is having us write about this stupid potion over a month before we're even going to brew it..."

"You have to know everything about a potion before you can be ready to make it and deal with the side effects" I sighed, taking his parchment and reading over what he wrote so far, finally dropping the Remus topic for now.

"Well, I'm off then. Places to be, people to see" James said, closing his book and gathering his things.

"Where are you off to?" Sirius raised an eyebrow at him.

"You can't tell anyone because Lily would have my head" James leaned over the table, speaking in a hushed voice. All three of us leaned towards him to listen in. "She asked me to tutor her in transfigurations" He grinned.

"Aw! That's adorable. She so obviously likes you, James! Lily never asks for help with school" I smiled up at him.

"Ahem, I asked you to tutor me" Sirius brought up as if this somehow proved something.

"Yes, my point exactly" I rolled my eyes. James and Peter exchanged looks as Sirius and I went back and forth.

"Well, James obviously likes Lily because he agreed to tutor her!" Sirius shot back, a smart smirk on his face.

"James has liked Lily for years" I tried defending myself, my cheeks burning. Now James and Peter looked extremely suspicious.

"All I'm saying is, by your logic, Lily asked for help because she liked James, so James agreed to help her because he likes her back. Could happen to anyone" Sirius spoke nonchalantly. I squinted my eyes at him as my face turned redder. I didn't want the other boys catching onto our feelings for each other.

"Alrighty then... You two are acting weird, and that's saying something coming from me. So, I'll just be going" James shook his head at us before standing up, collecting his books, and turning to leave the common room. Peter seemed upset now, watching me and Sirius with sadness in his eyes.

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