36-The "Truth"

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I've begun to realize a lot can happen in a month. It's now February, and time is flying by extremely fast. A little too fast for my liking. However, this past month has been amazing. Sirius and I are somehow even closer now after having our talk, and I'm so grateful that he stopped me from doing something I wasn't comfortable with that night. Marlene seems to be in a better mood after telling me what she was going through, and she even felt comfortable enough to tell Lily and Alice who of course accepted her. She hasn't worked up the courage to tell anyone else yet, and we respected that decision.

We also had our quidditch match against Hufflepuff and Gryffindor won in a landslide now that I have my new broom. We're going to play the house cup around finals time, but we don't know who we're playing just yet. And finally, but most importantly, James proposed to Lily. He decided to save it for her birthday. They spent the day together and he proposed in private, and of course, she said yes. I'm just so happy for them. They're planning the wedding for this summer.

It felt strange to have everything so perfect, almost like it was too good to be true. As I sat in Advanced potions with Professor Slughorn and Lily, I had a taste of reality smacking me in the face.

"Hello, Professor Slughorn" Professor McGonagall interrupted class by walking in and standing by the door. All the students looked away from their cauldrons and over at her. She looked grim, almost like she wished she didn't have to be there.

"Yes, Minerva please come in!" Professor Slughorn greeted her, "What can I do for you?" He walked over.

"I need Miss Cullen to come with me" She pursed her lips, glancing over at me. Lily turned to me from the seat beside me and looked confused. I just shrugged and got my books together, grabbing my bag and following Professor McGonagall.

"Miss Cullen, I'll expect another six inches of parchment on your paper to make up for your lost time in class!" Professor Slughorn reminded me. I rolled my eyes a bit at this. It's as if he thinks I want to be missing class.

"Yes, professor" I sighed before following McGonagall out of the room. "So... am I in trouble? Did one of the boys do something stupid?" I asked, expecting the worst.

"No, nothing of the sort" McGonagall cut me off, walking quickly ahead of me as she led me to her office.

We went upstairs and headed to her office, and once we were outside she held the door open for me. The look on her face was pained, and I felt anxious as to what I would be told in this room in the next few minutes. I walked in and she closed the door behind me, then walked around her desk to sit down. This didn't feel in any way shape or form like the times the boys and I would get in trouble with McGonagall. This felt serious. This felt bigger than just a silly prank.

"Miss Cullen, I have some... difficult news..." She said, and I paused, not knowing what to do. What would I hear in the next minute, and what impact will it have?

"Is this about my sister?" I asked hesitantly because she is the first person who came to mind.

"No, but it is a family matter" McGonagall sighed. "There has been an accident at your home. I'm sure you're aware that the wizarding world is entering dangerous times..." She paused, and I nodded my head. "Your grandmother was the victim of a break-in at your home last night" She informed me, but I couldn't really process what she was trying to tell me.

"So... is she in St. Mungos?" I shook my head, confused.

"No... there is no simple way for me to put this but, Estella, dear, your grandmother did not make it" She spoke slowly, and I shockingly felt nothing. Just numb.

"She... she's gone?" I asked, still not processing this information.

"Yes, dear" McGonagall sighed,

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