31-Black Eye

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"Come on Sadie, pick up the pace!" I teased her as I climbed the hill outside of Hogwarts. Sadie trudged behind me.

"Why are we going so far away from the school?" She huffed as she carried the picnic blanket. I held the basket and looked at her over my shoulder

"I told you, the view up here is breathtaking! You'll see" I grinned as I kept walking.

It's the day after we pulled our prank on Remus and Peter and I decided to take Sadie on a picnic outside the grounds of Hogwarts. I haven't been able to see her much this past week since classes have started and I wanted to make sure she was okay after everything happened with Kace.

We finally made it to the top of the hill that overlooks Hogwarts in the distance. We're close to Hogsmeade station and right near the entrance to the Black Lake where the first years take their boats across for the first time. I told Sadie to turn around and she gasped when she saw the castle in the distance.

"Oh wow, I never knew you could see all this from up here! You can't see nearly as far from the bottom of the hill near the lake" She gushed. "How did you find this place?"

I hesitated for a moment. I couldn't exactly tell her that I found it during a full moon while the boys and I were out exploring, so I just shrugged slightly and came up with a quick lie.

"Sirius and I decided to take a walk outside Hogsmeade once and found it," I told her, watching as she laid out the blanket for us. She wiggled her eyebrows up and down.

"You and Sirius, huh?" She teased as she sat down. I rolled my eyes, following her lead and taking a seat on the blanket, placing the picnic basket in between us.

"Shut it" I blushed slightly.

"C'mon, Stella! Tell me all about your love life with Sirius. I've been dying to welcome him into the family" She giggled as she took a sandwich out of the basket.

"There is nothing to tell" I couldn't help but grin a little as I also took a bite out of a sandwich.

"Oh, there has to be! Look at your blush" Sadie giggled.

"Hey, you're twelve you don't know anything about relationships" I defended myself.

"Clearly I know more than you! I knew you and Sirius would be together after the first day we all met in Diagon Alley. You had an instant crush on him" She grinned.

"Oh please, if anyone had a crush after that day it was him" I denied her claim even though it was half true. I was definitely immediately attracted to Sirius until he started getting on my nerves.

"Have you kissed him yet?" She joked, but I opened my mouth to answer and no words came out. I pursed my lips and blushed as her jaw dropped. "WAIT, YOU HAVE?!" She exclaimed. "How did you not tell me?!"

"Only a few times!" I exclaimed, embarrassed.

"It was more than once?!" She smiled widely. "Why are you not together?!"

"It's complicated, Sadie" I sighed. "Sirius isn't exactly the relationship type, and I've never even been in one before. It's too much pressure! I just want all those feelings to go away" I huffed. "Everyone keeps bothering me about it and I just want to ignore it all forever"

"Estella, you're a Gryffindor, stop being such a baby!" Sadie giggled.

"Hey, even Gryffindors have fears" I blushed again in embarrassment. "I'm only afraid of social situations, can you blame me? I was an outcast all five years at Beauxbatons" I rolled my eyes.

"And now you're one of the most popular girls at school" Sadie pointed out and I looked at her in surprise.

"Who says that?" I shook my head, never thinking that I was even remotely popular.

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