7-TRICK or Treat?

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"Now let's go through it again" I repeated, asking the question slowly so that he would understand every word of it. "What is the most important ingredient in the draught of living death potion?" I finished, tapping my pen on the book in front of me. I hate using a quill when I'm just studying in a dorm room, so I borrowed a pen from Lily. I guess muggles aren't as stupid as I thought, I mean these pens are pretty convenient.

"I don't know! How many times do I need to tell you" Sirius groaned, sitting on the floor, his back against the bed I was currently laying on. I'm pretty sure it was his bed, as we were studying in his dorm room. I was on my stomach with a pillow under my chest to prop me up a bit. My legs were crossed in the air behind me and a potions textbook sat open in front of me.

"Sirius you know this! We've been over it a million times!" I exclaimed, looking over the edge of the bed at him. He looked up at me and then turned a little to lean his head on the bed, almost as if to get a better view.

"Well, you distract me. You start talking and all I can focus on are your eyes and then I get to your lips and I'm just completely taken away!" He said in a way that led me to believe he was being sarcastic. "You know you bite them a lot, even when you're trying to talk" he observed and I blushed madly. So he really pays attention to my lips when I speak?

"Ok, I told you we could study in your dorm room under one condition, that you don't try anything with me" I reminded him. "And I also want you to stop getting distracted! You wanted me to tutor you for a reason didn't you?" I asked him. He rolled his eyes and stood up only to flop down on the bed in front of me, facing up.

"I just didn't wanna study in the library, that's the only reason I agreed to that. And I can't help that I'm infatuated with you, Estella Cullen. You just have this essence... it's very tempting" he said with confidence, turning his head to look over at me with a charming smile. I glared at him and punched him in the shoulder. He responded with a wince, rubbing the spot that I hit.

"Stop flirting, start studying" I pointed to the book in front of me. Sirius lost his smile and huffed. For some reason, he was being extra annoying.

"But it's Halloween night! All of my friends are out playing loads of pranks right now and I'm stuck in here studying" he groaned, rubbing his face.

"Well, if you wanna hang out with me so badly then studying together is usually a part of the package" I chuckled, writing something in the margin of my book.

"Don't you ever do anything that's... I don't know, fun?" He asked and I nodded my head.

"I do, but I'm afraid we have very different views on what's fun and what isn't. You like causing trouble, I like reading books" I answered him.

"Oh c'mon!" He exclaimed, sitting up on the bed and facing me. I looked at him warily. "You're a Gryffindor now! Not with all your Ravenclaw family members and certainly not at some preppy French school! Let's go out and live a little" he offered a smile.

"No. We need to study for the test coming up. You asked for my help and I'm giving it" I shot him a look. He studied me for a minute then spoke again.

"Here's what I think we should do" he answered, slowly taking the textbook away from me and closing it. "Instead of you tutoring me in potions, I'll tutor you tonight in having some real fun" he smirked.

"I said no" I answered forcefully, taking the textbook back. He cannot take a hint.

"What's wrong? Are you scared?" He teased. I huffed.

"What's there to be scared of? Just because I don't want to play a stupid prank on some random student..." I mumbled.

"You're afraid to get caught. Perfect little Estella couldn't possibly get herself into trouble" he batted his eyelashes, trying and failing to do an impression of me.

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