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Life has changed dramatically in the past month.

After graduating from Hogwarts Sirius, Sadie, and I moved into an apartment together. It was nothing special, but it was amazing for teenagers fresh out of school. Sirius and I had our own room, and Sadie had one all to herself for the summer before she would start her third year. James and Lily were still living at home, but once they got married they planned to move in together. Their parents were old-fashioned like that.

The wedding was only a few weeks away, and me, Marlene, and Alice were made bridesmaids. Sirius was James' best man and Frank, Remus, and Peter were groomsmen. Lily wanted Petunia to be her maid of honor, but seeing as Petunia married a muggle man and wants to pretend the wizarding world and her own sister don't exist, she refused. Lily was crushed, to say the least, so she decided to not have a maid of honor at all, especially because she had trouble deciding between me, Marlene, and Alice.

Sadie was invited to the wedding as well, and she was very excited. She's been much happier now that we moved into a new apartment away from all her memories of Griselda. She's never been to a wedding before, so she can't wait to see Lily's dress, the bridesmaids dresses, and all the decorations. We needed a party after dealing with everything that has been going on in the world.

"Deep in thought?" Sirius came up from behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist, resting his head on my shoulder.

"A bit" I sighed, still looking out the window I was standing in front of. Our apartment was still filled with boxes. We had barely made a dent in unpacking everything. "We have a lot of work to do around here" I shook my head.

"Well, that's why Marlene is coming today, right?" He asked, grinning. I rolled my eyes.

"Yes, I suppose so. But we can't make her do all the work like we did with Lily" I reminded him. He kissed my neck and I sighed.

"I can't help that I get... distracted" He mumbled.

"Oh, is that what you call it?" I giggled a bit.

"Today is also your birthday. Why should we spend it doing work?" Sirius rolled his eyes a bit.

"Because the work needs to get done, birthday or not" I turned around in his arms and placed my hands on his chest.

"Well, I wanted to give you a birthday surprise" He grinned. I raised my eyebrow.

"Oh? And what exactly might that be?" I asked

"I can't tell you, or else it wouldn't be a surprise" He shook his head like it was obvious.

"Can I get a hint?" I asked, already knowing what it might be from his demeanor.

"Well... it takes place in our bedroom" He grinned again, and I rolled my eyes.

"So is this the same surprise I get almost every other day?" I played dumb, and Sirius couldn't help but laugh.

"Maybe" He smiled like an idiot. Just as he was about to lean down to kiss me, there was a knock on the door. Sirius groaned a bit and I sighed, but then remembered that I was the one who asked Marlene to come help us today.

I walked over to open the door for her and she came in, smiling widely.

"Happy birthday!" She exclaimed, her arms stretched out towards me. I smiled at her, having not seen her in a few weeks because we've both been so busy.

"Thanks, Marls" I sighed, hugging her.

"Sirius, I hope you're still treating Estella well" Marlene stated as she walked into our apartment as if she were a strict parent.

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