33-A Wonderful Us

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He pressed my back against the cool stone wall of the broom closet, his lips attacking mine. I reached up and ran my hands through his long black hair and my body arched up against his. His hands gripped my waist, keeping our hips firmly planted against each other. He lifted one hand and traced it along my back and down my spine. I tried pulling him in more, feeling as if I could never be close enough.

His hand reached the small stretch of skin just below my shirt which must have untucked from my skirt in the heat of the moment. I gasped when his cold hands touched my side, sliding up underneath my shirt and tracing my back again. When I gasped the kiss broke, but Sirius quickly moved down, kissing my cheek, my jaw, and traveled down to my neck and collar bone. He nibbled and sucked on the skin as I panted, trying to catch my breath.

"Sirius, lunch is starting soon, we're gonna have to get going," I said breathlessly, trying to ignore the chills I got when he lightly traced his fingertips up my side, slightly tickling me. He pulled away from my neck and lifted his head to mine again, leaning closer so our lips were barely touching.

"I think I'm hungry for something else" He smirked, his lips brushing against mine as he spoke. He kissed me again with the same fire, and I easily gave in to him for a few seconds, but I tried thinking rationally.

"We wouldn't want anyone to wonder where we've gone to," I said after pulling away again. He cupped my face with his hand and traced his thumb over my lips. I wanted nothing more than to stay in that broom closet with him forever. "We already skipped breakfast and told everyone we needed extra revision for the positions exam today" I shook my head slightly.

"Yeah, I'm starting to enjoy our study sessions way more" He chuckled, now playing with a lock of my hair and studying my face. I loved how he looked at me, but it also made me feel so guilty.

"C'mon, you're the center of attention today. You can't just ditch everyone else" I rolled my eyes because he was avoiding the topic.

"Just five more minutes" He sighed, leaning down and placing a light, feathery kiss on my lips before looking back into my eyes. I grinned.

"Anything for the birthday boy" I giggled, wrapping my arms around his neck again and connecting our lips in another intense kiss. All the while, I couldn't help but wonder what happened to our "no making out" rule.

I suppose we just couldn't stay away from each other.


Five minutes later Sirius and I stumbled out of the broom closet. I quickly tried fixing my uniform by buttoning up the top buttons of my shirt and tucking the hem back into my skirt. Sirius left his clothes as they were, unbuttoned and untucked, but it wasn't odd to see him this way.

We started walking to the great hall, and Sirius was relentlessly flirting with me the entire way. I just continued rolling my eyes, trying to act as normal as possible seeing as we were in public and passing by other students in the hall. His hand brushed mine as we walked, and he tried to hold it. He began lacing his fingers through mine before I stopped him and pulled my hand away.

"Sirius, no" I shook my head at him. He rolled his eyes playfully.

"Oh please, you'll spend half an hour in a broom closet with me but you won't let me hold your hand?" He chuckled, and I felt my face grow hot, annoyed that he was talking about our secret relationship so publicly.

"Don't talk about that here!" I exclaimed, picking up the pace to get to the great hall faster.

"Please let me hold your hand! It's my birthday," He pouted, but I shook my head, not budging.

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