1-The Boy With the Grey Eyes

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I pulled on my old dark blue cloak as my grandmother was pushing me and Sadie towards the fireplace.

"You have your money, correct?" She asked me and I nodded, patting the pouch full of galleons, sickles, and knuts that I had in my pocket.

"Good, good. Are you sure you don't want me to go with you? It's been many years since you've been to Diagon Alley" she gave me a pointed look and I tried not to roll my eyes.

"I'm sure, Griselda. I remember it well enough. And if we get lost we will find the nearest floo powder and come home straight away" I assured her. I've been calling my grandma by her first name, Griselda, since I moved in with her. Calling her grandma just felt weird for some reason.

"Alright, I trust you to keep a close eye on Sadie now, you hear me?" She asked, grabbing my chin so that I looked into her eyes. I nodded my head in exasperation, shaking her hand off of me in the process. I stepped into the fireplace first, taking a fist full of powder as I went. I took a deep breath, choosing my words carefully.

"Diagon Alley!" I commanded, throwing the floo powder at my feet. Then I was engulfed in green flames, the faces of my little sister and my grandmother fading away as I spun in a circle. The smell of ash made me want to hold my breath and squeeze my eyes shut, which I did. A few seconds later I felt my feet hit the ground and I opened my eyes to be met with the crowded street, filled with witches and wizards shopping in the various stores. I stepped out of the fireplace and brushed off some of the soot that landed on my shoulders. I never quite liked traveling by floo powder.

A few seconds later Sadie came stumbling out of the fireplace, coughing a little because of the smell of ash. I wrapped my arm around her shoulder and took out both of our supply lists. Sadie and I both needed robes and the required books, but I figured we should start with getting Sadie her wand since she's been so excited about that. Besides, I have more than half the books on this list already and I suspect Sadie does too. Griselda and our mother both attended Hogwarts and were both in Ravenclaw, however, our father was a Gryffindor. Sadie and I are both expected to be sorted into Ravenclaw, but I could care less what house I end up in. Although, Griselda always complained about how the Hufflepuffs in her day never understood that there was a reasonable explanation for everything. Being sorted there might make her hate me even more than she already does. The other houses I don't know much about, like Gryffindor and Slytherin. My mum and dad never talked about their time at Hogwarts, only how much fun I would have there.

I was shaken out of my thoughts by Sadie pulling away from me and walking towards a store called Ollivanders. I followed her inside and almost instantly sneezed. You could see the dust traveling around in the air. It was dimly lit, but for some reason, it gave off a warm feeling. The place seemed empty, and I was just about to suggest we come back later when Mr. Ollivander himself spoke up from behind a shelf full of wands stored in thin boxes.

"Ten inches, Ebony, and dragon heartstring, a nice and supple wand I'd say. Correct, Miss Cullen?" He called, emerging from behind the shelf with a small smile on his face. I smiled back and nodded my head. I got my wand from Ollivander right before I was forced to move in with Griselda.

"And it's been doing me well. Top of my class at Beauxbatons" I nodded.

"Glad to hear it, but I'm sure it wasn't just the wand getting you those top grades. I suspect Ravenclaw for you" he winked. Ollivander is almost like a family friend. He sold my parents their wands and was quite fond of Griselda, so they always kept in touch by owl. "Now, who do we have here? A younger sister I presume?" He asked, looking over at Sadie. She seemed just a little bit intimidated by the old man. "I remember you, young lady. You were here when your sister got her wand, yes?" 

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