11-Not Friends, Not Enemies

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"Excellent job dear" Slughorn smiled as he handed back my potions test. I looked at the classification at the bottom of the page and saw that I had gotten an "outstanding". I smiled to myself. I expected nothing less of course, but it's always a great feeling to finally have the confirmation that I got a perfect score. I heard snickering come from beside me. I looked over to Peter and raised my eyebrows.

"Something to say?" I questioned, and he immediately blushed, shaking his head. "Go on, I wanna know what's so funny" I pushed him.

"Well, it's no surprise you got the top grade. You're sort of a know-it-all" he shrugged, and I glared at him. Slughorn handed his test back next and sighed as he placed it on the desk, then walked away. Peter looked and I saw that he has gotten a T: troll. I was the one laughing now, and Peter glared at me.

"I'd rather be a know-it-all than an absolute imbecile" I laughed quietly. Peter sulked in his chair, and I looked over at Sirius and James. James just shrugged his grade off, clearly not caring too much, but he usually gets a grade that means he just barely passed. Sirius, however, stared at his test in awe. James stared at him in confusion until he took a glimpse at his test grade. James' mouth flew open and Sirius laughed at him. I pulled my attention back to the front of the room as Slughorn was just watching the last pieces of sand fall through his hourglass.

"That's it, everyone! The hour is up, you may proceed to your second-period classes" he nodded, putting his wand down and sitting down at his desk. Everyone began talking, most of us about our test grades, and so the room was filled to the brim with chatter. I quickly rounded up my books and headed out the door so that I could avoid any confrontation with Sirius and his friends, but sadly I'm never quite that lucky.

"Estella!" Sirius ran out of the classroom after me and I groaned.

"What do you want Black- Woah!" I exclaimed when I turned around because all of a sudden Sirius was wrapping his arms around my waist in a hug that lifted me off my feet. He twirled me around, drawing the attention of many students trying to get past us. I saw his friends exit the classroom and begin laughing at us.

"Thank you thank you thank you!!!" He exclaimed, still tossing me around. I grabbed onto his shoulders for support, slightly shrieking as he picked up some speed.

"If you really want to thank me then put me down, you bloody idiot!" I exclaimed, and he began laughing as he finally stopped moving and slowly lowered me to the ground. Once I had both feet on the floor I quickly stepped away from him so that we weren't so close to each other. I leaned down to grab my bag, which I had dropped in all the action, but Sirius beat me to it.

"Allow me, it's the least I can do. Here, I'll walk you to History of Magic" he smiled like an idiot. I noticed that Sirius's friends became bored of this usual behavior, and so they said their goodbyes and left for their next classes.

"I can manage to hold my own bag, thank you very much" I glared at him, reaching for my bag, but he pulled It away before I could grab it. I groaned. "What the bloody hell do you want from me this time?" I asked.

"Look!" He exclaimed, showing me his exam sheet that was now a little crumpled from him twirling me around. I took it from him and flattened it as best I could so that I could see his grade. My jaw dropped when I saw the classification. "I GOT AN E!! EXCEEDS EXPECTATIONS. I HAVE NEVER EXCEEDED EXPECTATIONS IN ANYTHING THAT DIDN'T INVOLVE GOOD LOOKS AND CHARM!" He yelled, picking me up and twirling me around again. I yelled at him to put me down. Once both my feet were on the ground again, I took a deep breath.

"Wow... I actually cannot believe I had this much of an impact on you..." I trailed off, still staring at his grade sheet.

"I know right? We barely even had that many sessions together. Maybe I'll bump you out of first place" He wiggled his eyebrows at me. I glared at him, handing his test paper back.

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