2-Black Is His Name

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"Come, Estella! We're gonna be too late!" Sadie cried as she tugged on my arm, trying to force me to move faster through the train station. I shook her off because I had to push my trolley. Griselda was pushing hers.

"Calm down Sadie, the train doesn't leave for twenty minutes, we have plenty of time" I rolled my eyes at her as she skipped down platform nine. Griselda called for her to stop and she maneuvered the trolley so that she was between platforms nine and ten.

"Come, Sadie. I'll go through with you first" Griselda smiled at her, holding out her arm for Sadie to join her in pushing the trolley towards the wall. Sadie skipped over to her and gripped the handle on her cart as Griselda wrapped her arm around her shoulders. "On three, okay? One, two, three!" Griselda counted down before they took a running start straight at the wall, disappearing through it right when they should have made contact. They were gone in the blink of an eye, and not one muggle noticed as they walked by. Muggles don't notice anything.

I turned my trolley toward the wall, took a deep breath, and ran. I watched as the wall got closer to me and just as I was expecting the impact of it, I arrived on the other side to be met with a beautiful red steam engine. I saw Griselda and Sadie waiting for me off to the side, so I walked over to them and we all made our way towards the train so that Sadie and I could get a good seat. For being, now, fifteen minutes early, there were a lot of people here already getting on the train. Sadie and I both only had one big trunk and a backpack each, so getting our things onto the train shouldn't be a problem.

"Come on! Let's go, I wanna get our own seats" Sadie urged again, pulling on me. In my mind, she was way too eager, but Griselda just gave her a loving smile and pulled her in for a hug. She always did really love Sadie. They basically spent every moment together while I was going to school in France.

I looked around the train station as Griselda made sure Sadie had everything she needed. I saw a lot of girls talking to each other, all friends from past years at Hogwarts. I'm starting completely new. I knew everything about Beauxbatons, and now it's like I'm being thrown to the wolves here. I see some people already in school robes, but most are in muggle clothing, besides wizarding parents. You could spot the parents of muggle-borns easily, because most were tucked away by the walls and in corners, keeping away from the strange wizards around them, all wearing colorful cloaks and tall hats. Pushing trolleys with owls, cats, and toads on top of them. I wonder what that's like; entering a world that you never knew even existed.

Griselda's shrill and fast-paced voice shook me out of my thoughts.

"I'll send an owl to the both of you as soon as I can. And send me one so that I can know what house you've been sorted into" she smiled at the both of us after she let Sadie go. She turned to me and cupped my cheek. Then she pulled me into a hug, which I wasn't expecting. She gripped onto me tightly like she was afraid that I would fly away if she let go. I slowly wrapped my arms around her, then buried my face into her shoulder. She hasn't hugged me in years.

"Good luck dear. I know you'll do great things at Hogwarts." She whispered in my ear. We pulled away and I nodded my head. "Keep an eye on Sadie, even if she is in a different house. Try to get along, the both of you" she addressed us both and we nodded our heads. Sadie gave her one last smile before turning around to pick up her trunk and get on the train. I gripped my necklace in my hand, the one my mother got for me when I was born that I never take off, and finally turned away from Griselda to get my things onto the train.

I followed Sadie on, allowing her to pick whichever seats she wanted. She stuck her head into many of the compartments, startling some people when she would announce "nope, let's try the next one". One room had a couple making out inside, in which Sadie scared them both by screaming "EW" and slamming the sliding door shut again. I shook my head at her and her loud personality, which didn't quite fit her thin boyish body and build. Finally, she found an empty car and we took our things inside. I helped her lift her trunk onto the shelf above and then I put mine on the shelf opposite her's. When we took our seats Sadie pressed her face up against the window in search of Griselda.

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