8- Have A Not So Happy Birthday

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(In this chapter I refer to another book series that I LOVE!! So just know I don't own anything from Lord of The Rings either! ALSO, I do compare Harry Potter and Lord of The Rings but only out of humor not out of mockery. I love both stories separately and equally!)
I sat in the common room for a while, just staring at the bright red embers still lit in the hearth. Tonight was the worst one. The nightmare felt so real. I woke up with sweaty hair sticking to my forehead, hands trembling. After that, no matter how hard I tried, I just couldn't fall asleep again, couldn't shake the feeling that my nightmare had given me, a feeling of unrest and anxiety; just waiting for what happened in my sleep to happen while I was awake.

There was a noise from behind me, the sound of footsteps tapping on the stone floor. I stayed on the couch, laying down and examining the fireplace as it slowly got dimmer and dimmer. Whoever it was would probably leave. Or, maybe it was Alice. She tends to sleepwalk, and now that I think about it, I might have left the door to our room open...

The footsteps kept getting closer and closer until they sounded as if they were on the stairs behind me. I began to get anxious as to who it was, my dream still fresh in my mind as the footsteps got closer, now muffled by the common room rug. They made their way through the middle of the room, almost right next to where I was seeping into the couch. I felt extremely tense as I lay there. A breath was held in my lungs, and I dared not to breathe, too rattled and too afraid of being heard. Finally, they made it past the couch and I saw the back of their head as they walked towards the portrait hole. I let out my breath as I realized who it was, then scrunched my eyebrows in confusion.

"Sirius?" I spoke up, my throat a little bit hoarse from not speaking all night long.

"Bloody hell!" He jumped around and his eyes landed on me. "Estella?!" He yelped, clutching his chest, over his heart. I didn't jump as he did, but I did let myself relax a little bit more, glad that it was just him. That's probably the only time I'll ever be glad to see Sirius.

"What are you doing up?" I asked casually, not caring enough to move so that he could sit with me. He rolled his eyes, then sat in the armchair while sighing.

"I was just going to ask you the same thing" he smirked, sinking a little bit into his chair.

"I asked you first"

"And I asked you second" he raised his eyebrows, shrugging. "What difference does it make?" I huffed, already annoyed with him and not even five minutes had passed.

"I'm not really in the mood to talk about it" I looked over at the fireplace again.

"So then I'll guess what's wrong. You don't have to talk at all. Just not your head yes or no" he looked happy with himself, thinking he solved the problem so simply. I squinted my eyes at him but stayed quiet, so I guess he took that as my silent acceptance. "Alright so," he clapped his hands together "boy trouble?" Was his first guess and I scoffed.

"If you're the boy and the trouble is that you're annoying then sure" I chuckled, looking over at him. He frowned.

"Ok since it's not that, how about friend trouble?" He asked and I shrugged. Lily was still pissed at me for our fight a few weeks ago, but that's nothing I regret, nothing that would keep me up at night. "Knowing you it's probably school troubles" he rolled his eyes but I shook my head. Sirius studied me for a second, and then he stood up and sat down right on my stomach. I yelped from the weight that was all of a sudden pressing down on me, taking my breath away. Sirius crossed his arms and looked down at me defiantly.

"Ow! What the hell?" I complained, trying to push him off.

"I'm not moving until you tell me what's wrong" he huffed, watching as I struggled.

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