10-Cats and Dogs Do Not Get Along

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I woke up a week later to the sound of Lily's insufferable muggle alarm clock. I open my eyes and groan, but she gets out of bed easily and walks into the bathroom. It annoys me that Lily is a morning person. I roll over and look at the clock next to my bed. 7 AM, the last Monday of November. I roll out of bed and struggle to keep my eyes open. Marlene is still soundly sleeping, but Alice is getting out of bed like me.

Lily and Marlene never addressed their small fight, but they are on normal terms again, probably knowing that the other didn't mean to offend anyone in any way. Sirius and I on the other hand, well I've gone back to ignoring him and he's gone back to pestering me. I can't stop thinking about how embarrassed I felt when he suggested that I had a crush on Kace. I even have trouble being around Kace now because, well, what if I do like him a little bit? If it was so obvious that Sirius noticed and I didn't... maybe subconsciously I want to be with him? Honestly, the whole situation makes my head hurt.

I pulled myself from my thoughts and started pulling out my uniform to get dressed for the day. I was dreading today's potions class, which is very unlike me, seeing as it's my favorite subject. Although, today was different. On Friday, Slughorn told the class that today we would be working in pairs to make a veritaserum potion. I've made Veritaserum dozens of times at home before, but making the actual potion isn't what I'm worried about. Once again I have been paired up with none other than James Potter, and the last time that happened I ended up blind for half an hour and got sent to the hospital wing.

I huffed as I finally finished getting dressed and walked over to Marlene, just as Lily stepped out of the bathroom from her quick shower and Alice entered the bathroom to brush her teeth.

"Marlene, you need to wake up. You don't want to be late again, do you?" I rolled my eyes at her. She just groaned and waved me off. I sighed and grabbed her arm, pulling her off the bed so that she fell onto the ground with a thump. She groaned again, but instead of a tired groan she now groaned in pain. I tried my hardest not to laugh.

"Damnit, can't a girl just sleep in for once?" She sighed, sitting up and rubbing her back.

"Marlene, you've been sleeping in all weekend" I chuckled.

"And you were late three times last week for sleeping in" Lily spoke up, rolling her eyes. Marlene huffed and slowly stood up. Lily finished tying her tie around her neck and pulled her sweater over her head.

"Is it so hard for the school to just eliminate first period altogether? Who actually learns anything this early?" Marlene sulked over to her trunk and pulled out her uniform. Lily and I looked at her, raising our eyebrows. "Ok, I meant normal people, not you two know-it-alls" Marlene waved us off as she got dressed.

I never minded the Hogwarts uniforms, because we all wear them differently, so it's as if we can still somewhat express ourselves in them. For instance, Lily wears her button-up white shirt and black skirt like the rest of us, but she wears her grey Hogwarts sweater over her shirt in the winter, with her tie tucked in. Marlene doesn't wear the tie at all and has the shirt pretty unbuttoned to show off some skin, but not too much so that she gets in trouble. Alice wears her's the same as Lily, but instead of the sweater, she wears her Hogwarts cardigan. I wear mine similar to Marlene, but I wear the tie with it. The teachers don't normally care, especially in the winter when we all wear our cloaks anyways. Plus, the uniform makes it easier and faster to get ready in the morning.

Once Marlene was dressed, we all headed down to the great hall together. As we were walking, Alice was telling us all about how amazing Frank is once again. I still didn't understand why neither she nor Frank have asked the other out already. I mean, it's been months since they started going on dates, I think it's pretty obvious to the entire school that they like each other, why not just make it official? But then again, what do I know? I hadn't so much as looked at a boy my age until I came to Hogwarts.

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