25-Don't Jump

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Exams. That's all I've been able to think about all week. While I've been studying for months, I did not prepare for the number of other students who wanted my help with studying as well, many of which I had never even actually talked to before. Of course, I still helped Sirius with potions and whatever else he needed, and the other marauders and girls too, but it became a little too much for me to handle when a crowd gathered around my table in the library and Pince kicked us all out.

I suppose I shouldn't have made it so obvious how much I care about getting high marks, because now I feel as if I've been helping everyone else so much there is hardly any room for myself. I just hoped teaching the information to others helped me remember it for myself.

Exam week is actually coming to a close, and the only exam I have left is the one I am the most nervous about: my dragon training exam. The special "project" McGonagall asked me to work on at the beginning of the year. The exam could guarantee me a job after graduation and basically define my entire future. So, no pressure, right?

"Estella, put down that book and eat something right now or so help me god I will use the imperius curse on you and force you to eat myself" Lily's demanding voice shook me out of my voice as she ripped my dragon book out of my hands and glared at me, serving me some porridge.

"Wow, that's a little extreme, don't you think?" I asked, glaring at Lily for taking my book away. I looked around at all the girls, and we all looked exhausted after a long week of studying. Thankfully today was Friday and we only had one exam left each, and tomorrow we go home.

"You have been starving yourself all week because you can't take yourself away from your books for five seconds to take care of yourself. You need to eat" Lily rolled her eyes at me. I huffed, picking up my spoon and taking a bite.

"My exam is in a few hours, and I need to make sure I know the difference between a Peruvian Vipertooth and a Hebridean Black!" I exclaimed, trying to eat the porridge quickly so I could get my book back.

"Estella, you've been studying for this all year. If you don't know it by now, I don't think a few extra hours of studying will do you any good" Alice shook her head at me.

"I suppose, it's just... this is really important to me. I never had a dream job or any type of plan for after I graduated, and this is finally an opportunity. I want to make sure I get it" I felt my throat tighten at the idea of me failing the exam and having to decide on a different career path.

"You are one of, if not the most, smartest witch in this school. If you can't pass that exam then no one can" Marlene shook her spoon at me. I rolled my eyes, smiling a little. I looked up across the great hall at the Ravenclaw table where Sadie sat. She and a few friends sat quietly, ignoring the loud chatter that comes along with breakfast every morning, with all their books sprawled in front of them, reading intensely. I shook my head, wondering what my life would have been like if I had been sorted into Ravenclaw like the hat mentioned.

"Hello, ladies!" A voice interrupted my thoughts, and it was followed by Sirius taking a seat next to me.

"Sirius, good to see you looking so chipper this early in the morning" Marlene teased and Sirius smirked at us.

"Well you see, I finished my last exam yesterday, so I am currently a free man" He nodded, glancing over at me.

"Well lucky you. The rest of us, on the other hand, are still in hell at the moment" I huffed, playing with my food a bit.

"Hey, you'll be fine, okay? You recited all the information to me last night. You probably know more about dragons than a magizoologist" Sirius rolled his eyes.

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