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It has been a few weeks since the wedding and I have been completely consumed by my school work. Exams are in less than a month and with my newfound friendships, dealing with Sadie, and managing the whole Remus on the full moon thing, I'm feeling just a bit more overwhelmed than usual. At Beauxbatons all I ever thought about was school. Occasionally I would worry about a quidditch match or something, but the majority of the time my school work came first. I'm worried I'll be too distracted this year to do well on all my exams.

Today in potions we're brewing amortentia, which we started learning about over a month ago. Thankfully today is the ninth and final day of brewing the potion, and next week we begin to review for the final exam. James has been helping me more in potions, but I still like to do things by myself. We mostly just talk and joke around with each other while I teach him some of my secrets to brewing the perfect potion. It doesn't help that Sirius sits in front of us though. He tends to try and distract us throughout the class, and it usually works.

"Okay, so we're going to drop one pearl into the cauldron and it should dissolve instantly." I read aloud to James. He carefully dropped a pearl into the potion and we watched as it disappeared in the blink of an eye. "Okay, perfect. Now I'll stir it once clockwise then once counterclockwise and we should be done!" I smiled as I picked up the ladle and began stirring.

"Thank Merlin for that! I can't believe we've been brewing this potion for nine days straight." James groaned.

"You know, you lack so much patience I'm truly shocked you were able to stand the process of becoming an animagus." I joked with him in a low voice so no one would hear.

"That had a purpose! I was helping a friend! What use is a love potion to me? I have a girlfriend now." James smiled proudly and I rolled my eyes. James and Lily have been practically inseparable since the wedding because they were now "official". It was quite the talk of the school for some time.

"Okay, the potion is done." I sighed, removing the ladle and setting it down on the desk.

"What are you waiting for? Smell it!" James instructed, but I looked at the potion apprehensively. This love potion is extremely strong and very dangerous. I don't believe I've ever experienced love, and I'm not very keen on experiencing it artificially through a potion.

"You first." I squinted my eyes at him. James has a better chance at being able to identify what it smells like, and I would rather him go first to test it out. James rolled his eyes before sniffing the potion, his eyes widening and his cheeks turning red. "Well? What did you smell?" I pressed.

"Um... I believe it was my mother's chocolate chip cookies... the wood of my silver arrow broomstick... and um... lavender." He shrugged after the last one. I clamped my hand over my mouth to hide my smile.

"Lavender? As in... Lily's perfume?" I couldn't help but tease him.

"Oh sod off." He blushed deeper. I chuckled, shaking my head at him.

"Don't worry James, I won't tell Lily you love her," I smirked at his discomfort.

"Alright, I smelt it, now it's your turn." He squinted his eyes at me. I took a deep breath before looking down at the potion.

I leaned over the cauldron and breathed in the aroma hesitantly. It smelt like old books, which makes sense because I love the smell of old books. I also smelt what seemed to be wet grass, which I found oddly nice and comforting. There was also the hint of a crackling fire. Finally, one final sniff caught my attention. It smelt... minty, with a touch of.. well, I couldn't exactly put my finger on it. Although, I did find it absolutely enchanting. James gave me a strange look before putting the lid on the cauldron, snapping me out of my thoughts.

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