9-"What if Dumbledore Met Gandalf?"

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A/N: I know Beauxbatons is not an all-girls school in the books but I made it that way in my story for Estella's character development! 
"Estella! Finish getting dressed you in there already, I've gotta do your hair still. We're gonna be late!" Lily knocked on the door of the bathroom as I looked at myself in the full-length mirror on the back of it, causing it to shake a little.

"It literally only takes you one second to do my hair with magic" I called back, tugging my eyebrows together as I stared at my reflection. Lily taught herself all types of charms and spells to do her hair. Just a flick of her wand and she looks stunning. I always just leave my hair down in its slight natural curls, so I never needed hair spells.

"We're already running late though! You need to her your arse out of there" she banged on the door once more and then I heard her footsteps walking further back into our dorm room. I looked back at myself in the dress.

The first dinner party for slug club had finally come along, having been put off a few times because some students couldn't make it. It was only the first of many, sadly. I'm not really the party type of girl.

Lily and I got ready together, her wearing a pretty white knee-length dress with half her red hair tied back with a bow. She looked radiant.

I, on the other hand, wore a velvet, long-sleeved, dark red dress. It's not that I hate dresses, I actually quite like them, but this dress has an open back, showing off a lot of my bare skin, which I'm not too happy about. Lily picked it out for me.

I spun a little to see the dress lift up and then fall back at my sides. I loved the long sleeves and the velvet most of all, and the color made my eyes pop, just as Lily said it would. Although, I'm not sure how I feel about that either.

I finally walked out of the bathroom and saw Lily standing in front of Marlene's mirror, testing different shoes to wear. The ones she wore now were skin toned with a small heel. She turned to me and pointed at her feet.

"What do you think?" She asked. I studied them and nodded my head, not that I know much about what shoes match which dress.

"They look perfect" I gave a tight smile, trying not to look too miserable about tonight.

"Oh stop being mopey and come sit so I can do your hair. I sighed and nodded, walking over to Lily's vanity desk, looking in yet another mirror. Back home when I lived in France, I had one mirror in the bathroom for myself and that's all I needed. Now, living with three other girls, it seems that they're everywhere I go.

Lily waved her wand over my head and I watched as my hair lifted itself into a high ponytail, tied off with a black ribbon. I bit my lip. I never wear my hair up like this. Usually, it framed my face nicely, sometimes even falling in front of it when I did work in class. Now my face was on full display, bringing more attention to myself.

"Now, what shoes do you wanna wear?" Lily asked, walking over to my trunk and opening it, looking at the four pairs of shoes I actually owned. One pair of sneakers, one pair of winter boots, my school shoes, and a pair of plain black ballet flats. I walked over and picked up the flats. I had yet to wear them, so they were brand new. They were a birthday present from my grandma last year. Nothing big, but not nothing.

I slipped on the shoes and faced Lily. She inspected my outfit and made a turning motion with her pointer finger. I turned in a circle for her so that she could see my entire outfit. I felt less like a young adult going to a dinner party and more like a little girl playing dress-up.

"You look perfect" Lily smiled at me. "Let's go before we're really late" she hurried me, and I followed her out the door and downstairs.


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