14-Sharing Secrets

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I sat in the library on a Friday after class. The first week back after the holidays was a true wake-up call for me. Not only did I realize that I was incredibly distracted with friends and boys before the break, but I was also way behind on my studies. Exams are only six months away and that means it's time to start studying. I never let myself get this behind when I was at Beauxbatons, but I suppose I didn't have any friends there...

I was in the middle of reading a chapter on non-verbal spells, which I was already well underway with practicing when I saw a flash go off before me and heard the click of a camera. I looked up, disoriented for a moment. The flash was so bright it practically blinded me. Once my vision cleared I saw Sadie sitting across from me with a smile plastered on her face, holding a fresh polaroid photo in her hand. I saw Madam Pince stand from her desk across the room to see what the disturbance was, but before she could come over I reached across the table and grabbed Sadie's camera out of her hands, hiding it under the table.

"What are you doing?" I whispered to her.

"Gimmie my camera back!" She whined, a little too loudly for my liking. I rolled my eyes, looked over to make sure Pince went back to work, and then handed her the camera. She put the strap around her neck and let it dangle against her stomach.

"Need I ask again? Why in the name of Merlin are you taking pictures of me in the library?" I whispered to her again.

"Grandma told me to capture the moment any time I could, so I am. Even if that means capturing you as you study" she shrugged, tucking the now developed photo away in her bag. I rolled my eyes at her nonsense.

"Well you've captured the moment, can you go now? I have work to get done" I asked her and she huffed before standing to leave. "I'll see you at dinner!" I whispered one last time as she practically stomped away and out of the library. Just as she was leaving, none other than Kace walked in and saw me.

The previous annoyance I felt at being interrupted was now replaced by butterflies in my stomach as Kace walked over to me. I completely forgot what I was even doing. Curse Sirius for planting this seed in my head. Now I've developed this crush and I have no idea what to do about it. I've never even really liked anyone before this.

"Hey, Estella, what's up with your sister?" He whispered as he took the seat across from me that was previously occupied by Sadie. I noticed that his hair was a light shade of blue today. I loved how he used his metamorphmagus abilities like that.

"Oh, you know, just sister things. She was getting under my skin" I shrugged, a small smile on my face. He nodded, smiling back. I couldn't help but admire his dimples.

"I get it, coming from a big family and all. Marlene and I are just cousins and even we get at each other's throats sometimes" He joked and I giggled, probably a bit too loudly, because I heard a loud "shhh" from Pince. "Hey, how about we get out of here before we get kicked out?" He chuckled. I felt my face flush red.

"I... uhm..." I stuttered, looking at all my books spread out in front of me.

"Unless... You're busy?" He raised his eyebrows.

"No! No um... I was just studying for exams..." I shrugged as I began collecting my things.

"Exams? Do you mean the exams at the end of term? Estella, we have months until then" He looked at me like I had three heads. Now my face was really burning. I shrugged as I put the last of my books in my bag and got up from my seat. He followed my actions and we both made our way out of the library. "You truly amaze me sometimes. Studying for exams... You're mental" He laughed louder now that we were out in the halls.

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