part 16

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⚠️minor cursing, smut: knife, leather⚠️
please skip if these make you uncomfortable^^

for a few days after coming out of the hospital, i had mainly been spending time healing- dumbledore's orders. it had been about a month since that and the christmas ball was today. hermione, ginny, luna and i went down to hogsmead at the weekend to get our dresses.

we were now sat at breakfast, talk of the ball surrounding us. " george, can you tell us who your date is yet?" ron spoke up. " i already said. all will be revealed tonight " he smirked. " that's a thought! y/n, none of us know who you're going with either " hermione spoke after. " oh uhm, just a ravenclaw friend " i lied. " friend hmm? are you sure he's just a friend?" fred joked, raising an eyebrow. i rolled my eyes and turned the conversation to hermione and ginny. " so what's happening later?". " well you and gin are coming to my room to get ready and then we're going to meet our dates down in the hall ". " alright, sounds like a plan!".

" girls, we're heading down to hall now " fred shouted through the door. " alright, we're just finishing up, we'll see you down there " ginny exclaimed. hermione and ginny were all ready to go, they were just waiting on me to come out of the bathroom in my dress. i had my hair loosely curled, hanging over my shoulders with a twist-crown around my head and i had some makeup on that matched my dress. it was tight around my torso but flowed out just below my hips and had thin straps over my shoulders. it was a light grey and had lacy flower patterns covering the top half. i put on my white heels, fixed my hair and walked out to the girls.

they both gasped in awe as they laid there eyes on me. " you look so beautiful!", " your date won't know what's hit him, he's going to fall in love with you!". " thanks girls, you both look gorgeous too!" i cooed. " i'm so excited! come on, let's get going!" ginny ushered us out. " y/n, are you okay?" hermione asked when she noticed i had stopped, just hidden behind the wall on the entrance to the hall. " i just got really nervous, i'm alright ". " we'll go in first, give you a moment to relax " ginny answered. " yeah okay, come here " i said, pulling them both into a hug. " oh, ron and harry are going to love you!". i peeked around the corner and saw george talking to fred and lee so i took a deep breath and just went for it.

as i walked in i noticed almost everyone's attention had gone to me. i heard whispers float all around me " she looks amazing ", " she's stunning!". my gaze was on george in his ballgown dress robes and my god, he looked breathtaking. the arms of his jacket hugging his muscles perfectly, his shirt clinging to his chest underneath his waistcoat. fred noticed me first and his jaw gaped as he nudged george and lee to look over my way. " merlins beard " lee whispered. george came up the steps to me and immediately grabbed my waist and pulled me into him, our lips connecting deeply. the same familiar feeling of butterflies forming in my stomach and my skin tingling beneath his touch. i tangled my fingers in his soft, bright hair as he hummed into the kiss. an eruption of clapping and cheering could be heard filling the hall. fred's screaming could still be heard over the top of it all though. " i knew it! i fucking knew it! lee, where's my 10 galleons? pay up, sucker,". i felt george starting to pull away slowly as he rested his forehead against mine. i opened my eyes and was met with his deep hazel-brown ones. his lips were now flushed pink and a little bit swollen as we both breathlessly laughed. " may i have your hand, m'lady?" he asked, taking a bow and extending his hand. " you shall " i said, putting my hand in his.

" since when has this been happening then?" ginny asked. george and i looked at each other before he spoke up laughing " you don't need to know that ". " shall we dance?" he whispered to me. i nodded as he led me away to the dance floor, joining a few other couples. i placed my hands around his neck as his were around my waist and we swayed to the music surrounding us. he brought his lips to my ear, brushing them softly- sending shivers down my spine. " i've got a suprise for you later ".

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